Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wondering how I could be so dumb!!!

I got up early and went to Denny's restaurant for the monthly ham breakfast.  First dumb thing I did was go way too early.  Well, that was OK, because the nice waitress took me back to the room where we meet and and told me to take my pick of seats and asked if I wanted coffee, which she returned with pronto.  I decided to go ahead and order so I could get my breakfast down so I wouldn't be trying to talk and eat at the same time.  (You know, we old farts have trouble doing two things at once.)  I was about half done when other hams started to arrive, so I wasn't the only "early bird".  We had a good meeting and since my wife (who I left at home) wanted to go to the flea market, I decided to leave just before 09:00.  I got out to my Jeep and that is when I knew I was really dumb.

You see, it was a little cool this morning with a breeze blowing, so I put on a jacket.  When I got there, I got out of the car, pushed the lock down on the door, and then decided I didn't need to have my jacket on just to go into the restaurant.  I took it off, threw it in the car, and shut the door.  Later, when I came out to come home and pick up my wife, I discovered that the keys to the Jeep were in my jacket pocket.  I tried all the doors and the back hatch, but all were locked up tight.  I called my son, but he was out of town at a rabbit show, showing his prize rabbits.  (one of his hobbies is raising show rabbits)  He suggested to ask one of the hams to take me home, and I did.  My wife insisted to return with us and that she would hold on to HER keys.

All worked out well, except for a lot of wasted time.  We did get to the flea market.  Didn't stop at home, just went on down the road to the flea market.  I did get some stuff today.  I got 50 feet of air line and some quick disconect fittings so I could plug into the air outlet on the rear of the RV in case of a flat tire.  Just wanted you to know why I am late writing this blog and I want you to remember to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Just one of those little things universe throws our way to make life interesting.

    Like your air hose idea.

  2. I don't do well with keys... I have one of those "carbiner-like" things(those things you use for climbing) and hook my keys on a belt loop of my jeans the minute I get out of the car. The big thing (I don't know if this is true) is that a person shouldn't use that little button on the door opener to lock your car because (supposedly) a person nearby can break into your car easier (I really don't know much about this, as you can tell.) So then, I push the lock button down on the door and go wherever I'm going. THEN... I worry if I've actually locked the car. (Maybe I'm just a worrier. I can't tell you the number of times I've gone back and checked. Mostly because our car is like a storage shed... has binoculars, spotting scope, GPS, and lord only knows what else stashed in it. So far I haven't locked the keys in the car (yet).. but I'm sure that day is coming.

  3. Sixbears, I hope I never have to use the hose, but it is there if needed. Who knows, I may find a lot of other things to use it for, like blowing off a radiator, etc.

    The Odd Essay, Someone could still break a window and gain access. I was tempted to do so, but only as a last resort. Make sure the stuff in your car are hidden and out of sight.

  4. I am so paranoid about locking my keys in my car, which is one of the reasons I joined AAA many years ago, that when I get out of the car I hold my hand with the keys in front of my eyes to make sure I have them. By the way, for a long time my AAA membership paid for itself as I was constantly locking myself out.

  5. Gypsy, I am glad I am not the only one. Instead of AAA, you could ask the punk standing on the corner with a jimmy sticking out of his pocket. One of the companies that I did work for, hired a lot of (how should I say this) shady characters. I did the same thing while there and one of those guys cut a strip of banding material, ground a groove in it, and opened my door in less than 10 seconds.

  6. I have always been bad at misplacing keys. I have learned never to leave home without a spare or two. One on my wrist and one hanging from my neck.

    Like Gypsy my AAA membership paid for itself...not for locking my keys but forgetting to turn off my headlights. The Triple A guy already knew me :D

  7. I need to get a spare key and put it in my wallet or someplace on my body or in my clothing. On my body would be better because I could forget my clothes but my body is usually always with me (grin).

  8. Oops, don't you just hate that. I have done it once and my husband had to leave work to come and unlock it for me. And I was a long way from home. Have never done it since, I always check and double check before I hit that lock button. You are definitely not alone doing dumb things.

  9. of all the that can go wrong, locking your keys in the car is small happens. breakfest out with friends is alway a good thing!

  10. Tammy, Yep, I did hate that, but I got over it. I did take my keys out of the car and put them in my jacket pocket, but then was when the dumbness hit me. . I put my jacket in the car before shutting the door.

    Jill, yes, there is always a bright side and I do enjoy visiting with friends.
