Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wondering about "big" things in Texas.

Everything is big in Texas, right?  You better believe it!!  Would I lie to you? 

These are large white flowers that grow all over the place close to the ground.  See that penny in the lower left of the picture?  That is one huge Texas penny. . .

Below is a close up of the above picuture:

Now, below is a another huge flower, only this one is yellow:

 The same type of flower as above except it has that huge, heavy Texas penny in the picture.  Dang, I had to move it around with a fork lift truck:

And of course some violets:

All the above and the last one at the bottom were taken on the outer loop of my driveway.  Then I went into my back yard and noticed that the moss was "blooming", or what ever it is that moss does.

And a second patch:

Then I took a picture of this stump with fungus growing on it:

Ok, that is the tour that I took around close to my house last friday.  Glad you come along, we will have to do this again sometime.  Now if you all will help me lug that huge Texas penny back to the house, all will be back to normal (grin).  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Those tiny flowers are fun to find... but the violet was my favorite... means SPRING to me! Are the bluebonnets blooming there yet?

  2. Those TX pennies make great man hole covers!

  3. Thx!! for the pics. I have a few of those pennies too.

  4. I have found through my years that a weed is a flower that has not been discovered.

  5. Man, starting to look like a flower shop around your place!

  6. The Odd Essay, Bluebonnets should be blooming soon, but not quite yet.

    Sixbears, yep, they sure do, pardner!!

    Trouble, you should have some, you live in Texas, too. I wonder if you can spend them in any other state (grin)?

    Barney, your right side my left, I'm on the other side of the computer screen from you. . . or maybe I am becoming dyslexic in my old age. Nay, it is just my brain ain't working as good as it should.

    Justastick, I sure agree and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    HJ, I have planted nothing, but just love all the wild stuff that pops up all over the place almost any time of the year.

  7. It means that spring is just around the corner and I am not sure I am ready for it just yet :(

    Now don't go hurting your back lugging that Texas penny around :D

  8. MsB, I think Spring has sprung. Now I know why my back is hurting this weekend. If you put one of those pennies in your pocket you will walk in circles. If you want to go straight, you need two of them, one in each side pocket.

  9. Is that why one Texas penny will make you a crooked man and two will make you a well balanced individual?

  10. Jimkabob, more money will always make you more balanced.
