Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wondering, odd or even?

OK, I want you all to pick a number from one to ten.  Why, you may ask.  Well, I have a pet theory that I have never been able to test completely nor prove, and probably never will.  My theory is that the most number picked will be an odd one, not an even one.  If you had the numbers picked by random, it would seem to me that half of the numbers picked would be odd and the other half even.  It just never seems to work out that way.  OK, tell me, what was the first number that popped into your mind after you read that first sentence?

I wrote a blog back on December 9th about randomness that may tie into what I am trying to say today.  You may want to go back and check it out:

I asked my wife to pick a number between one and ten and she picked an odd one.  I believe I would have, also.  What about you?  Randomness is suppose to be predictable in science but it isn't.  Why, because it deals with random things. (grin)  I read where someone said that if you gave a million typewriters to a million monkeys that they could produce a novel or reproduce one of the old masterpieces.  Yeah, right!!!  I also read where someone tried an experiment where they put a bunch of typewriters together with a bunch of monkeys and all the monkeys did was throw them around and use them as toilets.  Of course some of the novels written today fit in nicely with toilets.  So don't monkey around, but just have one heck of a great day today, you hear?


  1. Odd or even. Heads or tails. Randomness....hmmmmm, got to think bout that.

  2. Random travels of Bill Bob. Have you ever stopped at a cross roads and flipped a coin? I have, but not when driving the bus. Good thing too, have ended up in some strange places and dead ends. I also have a lot of random thoughts, don't you?

  3. Now you got me wondering about randomness! Always making my brain work on something!

    Have a good spite of the rain!

  4. H.J., That is the idea. That is my plan. You always enlighten me, so I try once in awhile to make you wonder. I wonder about a lot of things.

  5. I would pick an even one,,,what does that do?

  6. Trouble, that is why your name is trouble (grin). I may have to take a survey to find out for sure.

  7. You may be correct that people will pick more odd numbers than even but people are biased in their thinking. They are NOT randomly selecting a number. I for one will ALWAYS answer 3 when asked to pick a number between 1 and 10. I do so with the firm conviction that the Chinese are right and that is a lucky number.

  8. Ed, I agree with you, and am glad to see that the lucky number is an odd one (grin).
