Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Rain, rain, rain, and then a little more rain.

We need rain.  We have been below normal rainfall for a few years now.  So, a good soaking would be welcome, but they are predicting a lot of rain in such a short time that it will not be able to soak in.  The latest prediction is over eight inches in the next day or two.  It started around 04:00 last night with a thunder storm but right now it is just a light drizzle, but there are a lot more waves to come.  I bet my swamp will be full to over flowing by the time it is over.  Who knows for sure, the weather forecasters have been wrong before.

How is the weather at your place?  This country has some of the most diverse weather going on at the same time in different places.  If you don't like the weather where you are, just head off to some other place where it more suits you.  Well, most of us can't do that but the full time RVers sure can.  That is one advantage of life on wheels.  I follow a lot of bloggers who are or have been full timers.  Others, like me, are part timers.  One of the bloggers I follow just sold his house and purchased an RV and is getting ready to hit the road.  See: Michael Ultra at RV0777.

OK, got a few small (indoor) projects to do today, if I can get up off the couch, so you all keep your powder dry and have a great day, you hear? 


  1. Damp, nasty, thick fog to add to the chill here in Del Rio, Tx. Check the webcam at http://www.nps.gov/webcams-amis/camera0.jpg

  2. Little rain off and on so far. Foggy now. Weathermen keep saying LOTS more coming,,,HA...i'll believe it when I see it.
    I love the RV0777. Thx for it.

  3. Now if'n it was me....I would crank up the motorhome an' git out all that nasty rain. I'm think'n I would rather be hav'n me a snowball fight than stand'n outside in the rain. The only thing rain is good for is fill'n up the lakes so I can go catch me up some fish. If'n the ground needs to get wet, turn on the water hose.

  4. Barney, wow, that shows how low the water level is. Thanks for the link. We have to get a few bad days just to make us appreciate the good ones more.

    Trouble, yep, lots of rain. BTW RV0777 plays the same make guitar as I do.

  5. A friend of mine sold her house and bought a truck and a small camper. She has her dog and a cat along for the ride. She finds seasonal work at Nation Parks. Right now she is near Death Valley..and not missing PA winter. I follower her adventures on Face Book but I hope she gets a blog soon!
    Our 10 inches of snow is melting and will keep melting this week..back to MUD. I am so over mud! 8 inches of rain...Does your RV float???

  6. Jill, good for your friend. I just know she is enjoying herself. So far that heavy rain has failed to materialize.

  7. This week has been beautiful, so far. Tomorrow is 'spose to be 52 degrees. I plan on cutting some firewood. Calling for rain on Friday. I often think of selling everything and getting an RV but I love PA too much to leave.

  8. Should be totally different by the weekend! Just can't tell around here!

    Almost time to hit the road, I reckon! (you, not me!)

  9. They are calling for an unseasonally warm sunny week here in central PA. I'm not used to seeing so much sun for several days in a row.

  10. Sharon, Just because you own an RV doesn't mean you have to go south in the winter. I had an Arctic Pack on my first motor-home and the one I have now has heat ducts and registers in the floor, so when the furnace is running it keeps the compartments and the tanks from freezing temperatures. I have been camping with them with weather down in the teens.

    HJ, If you don't like the weather in Texas, stick around for a couple of days and it will be quite different. At least that is what they tell me...

  11. Jill, well if you don't like it send it down here, we are used to it and haven't seen it for a couple of days.

  12. Was 73 yesterday and 48 this morning here in Yuma, AZ. That is the good news, the bad news is the forecast for low 50s and near freezing mornings over the weekend and into Monday.
