Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wondering about the Color Twister

I mentioned in my blog back on the 16th about the new "toy" my wife got at the flea market.  It is called the Color Twister and it spins a disk and makes swirled color designs.  On yesterdays blog I showed a picture of one of my wife's cards that she makes to send to my aunt in a nursing home.  I failed to mention that she made the flowers on that card with that new toy, the Color Twister.  Just in case you are a little curious about what the heck it is, here is a picture of the devise:

And here is the box that it came in:

And here is a close up view of the flowers on the card that she made using the new toy:

Now, maybe this blog will help you understand and put more light on a couple of my recent past blogs about the flea market purchase and one of the cards that my wife made.

This is garbage day and I now have to lug the garbage cans down to the road.  That will be my exercise for today. . . maybe.  Now you all have a great day and make sure you get rid of all your garbage, too.


  1. Your wife's card is beautiful. What a talented lady she is!

    1. Thanks BJ, I showed the whole card in yesterdays blog. My wife is quite artistic.

  2. I think it is wonderful that you both take the time to create these unique cards for your elderly aunt. I am sure they are very much appreciated and looked forward to being received.

  3. She is pretty crafty! That's a beautiful card.
