Wednesday, December 19, 2012

One of her daily cards.

I believe that I told you before that my wife makes a card every day that there is mail service and sends them to my Aunt who is in a nursing home in Pennsylvania.  She either draws or paints or doodles or pastes something unique every day.  Some times I get myself in gear and make a card but I do it on the computer whereas she does it by hand.  She has been doing this for quite some time now, at least a couple of years.  That is a lot of cards and they are all different, one of a kind, and I will say that they are masterpieces.  Sometimes I write a poem for the cards, trying to match the poem to the card subject.  Together, I think we make a pretty good team, but my wife does most of the work and most of the cards.

There are no copies or records of all the cards.  Like I said, they are all "one of kind".  Yesterday, I took the card that was to go in the mail and took a picture of it.  I thought that you would like to see a sample of what she makes.

Did you notice that she even decorates the back side of the envelopes?  It takes up a lot of her time and she makes at least five cards a week.  This one is three dimensional.  Hope it doesn't get too flattened in the mail as it makes it trip from Texas to Pennsylvania.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear.


  1. You never make more than 1 at a time? Like, make 3, then mail them 1 at a time? They are very beautiful.

  2. Nice work. It's hard to be creative day after day, but I'm sure the effort is appreciated.

  3. Now that's a good woman you're married to, that she takes the time brighten someone's life.

  4. I admire her dedication and her art. I'm sure these cards are a big hit at the nursing home.

  5. Trouble, sometimes it takes her most of the day to make one.

    Sixbears, she is very creative and comes up with some great ideas.

    John Marshall, thanks, I think so, most of the time. . .

    Jimkabob, I was told that the caretakers there like them, too.
