Saturday, December 22, 2012

Wandering to the HAM breakfast.

No, it wasn't just ham and eggs, the ham part is in reference to amateur radio.  The local "hams" try to get together for a breakfast once a month.  They use to do it locally and I went every month, then it was moved out of town.  I got notified by a ham friend that it was going to be held at Denny's in Conroe today starting at 08:00.  I went and had a wonderful time.  Met some hams that I never met before and we had a lot in common other than ham radio.  One was into astronomy and the other was an RVer.  Wow, that gave me so much to talk about that I almost didn't have time to eat.  I had to get home in time to take my wife to the flea market.  I am now looking forward to next month's breakfast.  Two things about most hams is that they like to eat and they like to talk.

My wife came out of the house as I pulled in the driveway and off we went to the flea market.  Neither of us found anything that we couldn't live without, so came home empty handed.  I like to visit with some of the vendors who have become friends.  I try to enjoy my self where ever I am at.  Sometimes that is hard to do but not today.  It has been a good morning.  Cool and clear, it is now only 66 degress here at noon.  Don't think we will have a white Christmas.  The weather man is calling for rain, but who knows.  Texas weather can change very quickly.  Now you all have a great day, too, you hear?


  1. There's a flea market here once per month. Usually only 3 or 4 vendors and usually not much worth buying, but I like to look anyway. Last week I came up with a couple of light fixtures with reflectors that work well with the screw in LEDS.

  2. The mystigue of a flea market is that you never know what you are going to find.

  3. Always nice to meet people interested in the same things you are.

    We have a light fluffy snow coming down on top of about 6 - 8 inches of heavy stuff. White Christmas for sure. Even in NH, there's only snow on the top half of the state.

  4. I would like to have snow soon. The weathermen are teasing us with "chance of flurries" almost daily, but that's not what I'm hoping for. I want the kind where all the neighbors meet out in the middle of the snowy street with coffee mugs in hand. We do a little shoveling and a lot of visiting. Good times.

  5. Sixbears, clad you are going to have a white Christmas. Makes it nicer.

    Jill, it has been in the 70's here but is suppose to cool off for Christmas and rain.
