Sunday, December 23, 2012

Wandering around the flea market-as always

Back to the flea market again today.  There are many times more vendors there on Sunday than on Saturday.  We didn't purchase anything except my wife bought a cute doll but gave it to a vendor friend of hers.  I took time to chat with a lot of my vendor friends but as usual, didn't find anything I needed.

I see that MsBelinda on her blog today talked about Betty Boop.  What a coincidence!!  When I was at the flea market I thought of MsB when I saw a Betty Boop sign, knowing how much she is into this Betty Boop thing.  You know, I got a cousin in Kansas that is the same way.  Well, I had to take this picture:

And a little closer look: 

A little further down the isle there was a lot of western things.  Since we do live in Texas there has to be some cowboy stuff for sell.  This guy had all styles of saddles and tack for sell.  He had three tables all in a row and all filled on and in front with western stuff. 

Well, don't have much more to say except you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Never know just what might show up at the flea market! That's what makes it an adventure!

    Have a great day!

  2. I get a kick out of that Betty Boop. You never know what you are going to find at the market.

  3. Trouble, I always try to have a good time.

    HJ, you are sure right on that. Different people sell different things and although you pretty much know what a few of the regulars sell, there is always surprises.

    Sixbears, old Betty Boop has been around since 1930. She is still sexy even though she is older than I am.

  4. Your flea market looks like it has great treasures..ours in Butler..not so much.
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. I just LOVE Betty Boop, guess I inherited that from my maternal great aunt.

  6. Jill, is it still held at the old drive-in theater? This one that we go to is one of best I have ever been to and it is growing. There is both inside aircoditioned/heated huge building and around two hundred tables under roof but outside.

    MsB, I thought you did, as does my cousin. You know she started out as a very sexy sex symbol and the was toned down to what we know today.
