Monday, November 19, 2012

Wondering; How far do you Wander.

In my new issues of MotorHome magazine, there was an article about how far seasoned RVers drive each day.  It was written by Joe and Vicki Keiva.  I didn't read it yet but I bet they agree with me; you know that I am always right. . .  Anyway, how far do any of you out there who are RVers drive a day?

When I am traveling, I prefer to drive for only 250 to 300 miles or five to six hours a day, which ever comes first.  Of course I have been known to do a lot less or a lot more, but staying under 300 miles a day and stopping for lunch and doggie brakes along the way makes for a more relaxing drive.

Do you make reservations?  Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.  I usually wait until around the middle of my expected drive when I stop for a break to call for reservations.  The problem with making reservations is that you have to stay at the expected destination or lose the deposit, which is usually a one night fee.  The good side of making a reservation is that you don't have to worry about where you are going to stop, even if you will arrive late.  Just don't make the reservation too early, wait until you have a completed at least half your driving for the day to get a better feel of where you will want to end up at the end of that day.  When I stop for the night, I usually only hook up to the electric.  So electric is all I need.  If I can't get electric, I would then worry that the sound of the generator would disturb other people trying to get some sleep.  I use an oxygen generator at night and have done so for many years, therefore I depend on it now.  If I am someplace where the generator noise will not bother anyone, I would run it.  The generator is diesel and is not the quietest one I have ever had, but it sure does a good job.  Let me hear how far you all like to drive in a day.  When I was young I would drive up to 1300 miles without stopping.  Did that many times, but not any more.  Yes, I am getting old.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?  It is another beautiful one here in East Texas.


  1. When I wasn't towing a boat I'd often do 1200 miles in 24 hours. Now it's more like 500 - 600 miles. It feels like I'm goofing off.

    Rarely make reservations, but sometimes that's been a problem. Probably try spending a night at a Walmart next trip to see how it goes.

  2. Wow DD, that's a lot! But driving relaxes me, so maybe not. Never tried it in an RV tho. You go,,,boy!

  3. I drive whatever it takes to get to the point I am finished driving that day. RVers will understand that statement. Since my rig is full boondock capable where I stop is where I will be. Another RVer type statement. NEVER EVER make reservations because where I go does not have reservations.

  4. Makes for a pretty free lifestyle, I would think!

    I don't know if I would make reservations or not! Guess it would all depend on where I was!

  5. Well, things are a bit different here. For TFT at least. I very rarely drive more than 200 kilometres in a day and each one done at a leisurely pace. In twelve years on the road I've never yet pulled out to pass another vehicle, except a tractor. I'm never in a hurry to get anywhere, especially the end of my life.
    I don't do vast distances a year, perhaps only 3,000 kilometres. There are beautiful places for me to be and I'm fortunate that I never have to make a reservation... to be anywhere or, somewhere else...

  6. Sixbears, I preference to keep it way under 300 miles a day.

    Trouble, it seemed like a long way between here and Inks Lake. That is as far as I want to go on one day unless I am on interstate highways.

    Barney, I know what you mean. Trouble is in the past I have always been on a schedule.

    HJ, I guess I am not brave enough to go on a long trip without knowing I will have a place to stay that suits the wife and the dogs. (Grin)

    TFT, it is a little different when you are a full timer, I am not and have to be home at certain times. It must be nice to be foot loose and fancy free.

  7. 250 miles a day is enough for me. I was the only driver, and no navigator, so I had to plan ahead. But sometimes we came across things that the kids and I wanted to see, so our travels plans were in Jello, anyway.

    Happy Trails, Penny.

  8. Penny, you have to be flexable when traveling. You had the right idea.

  9. I don't have an RV but I usually drive 360 miles to Houston or 300 to Terlingua in a day, would not try to drive more than that.

  10. I also try for 250-300 miles per day or less, sometimes I need to exceed that limit but not my preference. I usually stay in one place for a month at a time so for those stops I make a reservation. If I'm on the road for more that one night getting from one monthly camp to the next I do not make a reservation.
