Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wondering about slumgullion.

I have told you before that my wife and I like to watch the old western shows on the western channel.  Of course one of the ones we watch is the old half hour "Gunsmoke" shows.  We also like "The Lawman", "Wagon Train", "Rawhide" and "Have Gun Will Travel".  That about takes up my afternoons.  It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. . . (grin).

Yesterday we were watching "Gunsmoke" and Chester was giving a prisoner some of his slumgullion to eat and the prisoner was objecting.  I would probably like it, because I love mixtures of ingredients all stirred into one serving and my wife says that I will eat anything that I can get my hands on or isn't moving too fast to get a fork into.  Of course there are about as many recipes for slumgullion as there are people who make it.  Since it is a one pot meal, it is easy to prepare and cook so would be the choice of men in the wild west, or any place else.  All kinds of ingredients that are on hand at the time are all tossed into one pan with some liquid and cooked until, well until the guys hunger gets too much and it is eaten.  The ingredients consist of meat and vegetables.  The meat is anything that is available or shot and the vegetables would have to include beans and anything else that could be foraged or laying around.  Sure sounds good to me.  Think I will now go get me something to eat.  You all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Not sure about your slumgullion...lol. Now, some things i could combine, but,,,,
    When i cleaned out the fridge, there would be a little this, a little that.

  2. I love one pot meals - chili, beef stew, etc. However, prepping all the ingredients for some of these recipes sometimes takes even longer than a simple meat, potato, vegetable plate.

  3. Trouble and Jill, it is something that you just throw everything and anything that you have in one big pot, right?

  4. Sounds to me like a perfect dish where everyone would toss in whatever they had to make a lot more servings!

    Kinda like the story of "rock soup!" Ever hear that one?

  5. HJ, yep, I am starting to get hungry. . . I have heard one story about rock soup, probably a different one.

  6. I do that all the time and most of the time what ever I mix up comes out good. If it doesn't I chop up some jalapenos and add to is and more seasoning and that usually fixes it. If not what I don't manage to choke down gets chunked. Some times even the critters won't eat it.

  7. David, my Mom always told me to "waste not, want not". My parents lived through the Great Depression" and leaned to make do with what they had.
