Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just wondering about stuff.

Sometimes I just wonder about stuff.  Sometimes I come up with answers to my wondering and most often I do not.  Right now on TV there is a fellow telling how to train a dog.  I wonder why?  Here at our house it is the other way around; the dogs train us.  They have us trained to feed them, to let them out, to let them back in and to let them have their favorite place to lay down, which for one, is a pillow on the couch, for another beside my wife in her recliner, and for the youngest, in her own cage, which of course we refer to as her house.  They all have "houses".  Need them for when we are traveling.

I also wonder about things I have no way to understand at this time. After you die, if you were saved and lived a good life, shouldn't you be made to visit Hell first so you will know how good you have it when you get to heaven?  And the other way around, shouldn't the really, really bad and unrepentant be given a tour of heaven before they go to Hell?  Wouldn't that make Hell a lot worse?  One should know what he is missing.

I also wonder why one house can be destroyed by a tornado and the one next to it left unscathed.  Why some good people suffer and bad people prosper.  Why some are healthy and some are sickly.  "Why", is an unanswerable word unless you just say "because".  But then I suppose some of you would say "because why?"  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I guess if we knew "Why?", it would not be as interesting as having a zillion "maybe it's because...."

  2. . . . or we could just say, Why not?

  3. Dizzy-Dick, those are some pretty deep thoughts you're having today. I'm not sure Heaven can be made to seem more wonderful than it is, or Hell can be made to seem any worse than it really is. Might be wise to make one's "reservation" now.

  4. Jimkabob and Sixbears, My favorite expression is "what ever".

  5. Wondering's good. Wandering's good too...

  6. TFT, it is the most enjoyable if you can do both at the same time.

  7. Seems to me that I've heard the expression "because why?" at least a hundred times from children.

    No answers then and none now! Wonder why?
