Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wondering how much and when it will rain

I woke up this morning hearing lots and lots of thunder out to the west of us.  The seven o'clock weather report on the TV said that there was a line of very strong storms with lots of lightning going to slowly move through our area.  The heavy storms are trailing in a line from southwest to northeast and that line is now to the northwest of us and moving slowly to the south.  My oldest dog is so afraid of thunder and most everything that goes "bang".  I worry about her when she starts shaking real bad.  If I notice her starting to shake, I may give her some "Rescue Remedy" that seems to help calm her.

I bought a rain/wind gauge at the flea market last Spring and have been meaning to put it up since then.  I only seem to think about it when it is raining.  Oh well, I just now hear the first drops of rain on the roof, and the thunder is getting louder and louder and even before I got halfway through this sentence it is coming down in bucket fulls.  Of course the satellite TV went off the air.  The TV just came back on.  That is one problem with satellite TV, very thick thunder storm clouds can and do block the signal.  But it does surprise me how well it does work even in bad weather.  Now, you all have a great day today whether the weather is sunny or stormy, you hear?


  1. Raining all day here -which is good, as if it was a few degrees colder it would be snow.

  2. Had those in waves during the wee hours.

  3. You can thank Billy Bob for all that rain you gonna get. It was over here the other day an' I says....."go to Trouble's and Dizzy's house". And it left, headed east....pooof, just like that.

  4. It is trying to rain here, but no thunder as of yet!

    All these little sprinkles just tease us, ya know? The cat is out playing in it! Crazy cat!

  5. Sixbears, guess it is getting to that time of year up your way when a few degrees can be the difference between rain or snow. An inch of rain would make ten inches of snow.

    Trouble, I figured you did.

    BB, gee, thanks a lot, we can always use the rain. My wife said since she couldn't make it to the flea market to let it rain.

    HJ, the biggest portion of the worst thunder and lightning was off to my west.

  6. Stay dry! beautiful fall day here in PA.

  7. When I was growing up our dogs always ran and hid shivering when there was a storm. My dog, Lady, never even blinked an eye. Who knows what makes some of them skittish.

  8. Thanks for the weather report Dizzy. Not something I really wanted to hear but glad I did not try to go to Houston this weekend if it in fact rained by my house :(
