Monday, October 15, 2012

Wondering about a tool chest.

Last Friday, when my wife was in the preparation room before she went to surgery, I noticed a big red Craftsman tool box sitting out in the hall.  It was on wheels so could be moved around.  I pointed it out to my wife and told her it was where they kept the wrenches, claw hammers, screw drivers, chisels, files, drills, etc. that they wheel to the operating room with you so they have a choice of what tools they will use on her eye.  Of course they will use the rubber mallet first, right?  It just looked so out of place in such a perfectly clean environment.

I know you are tired of hearing about this subject so will only update if there is any change, but for now you must either bear with me or skip to another blog.  My wife changed into a hospital gown which must have been a "one size fits all" because she only weighs 92 pounds and stands 5'-2" tall.  She wrapped it around her a few times.  Then she got to sit in this very comfortable looking reclining chair and the suit was plugged into a unit that blew warm air into the suit blowing it up so much I though I may have to tie her down so she wouldn't float away.  She had a temperature control in her hand, so had control over the heat blowing in.  Even with the heat turned off, it still blew the air in.  Now tell me, doesn't she look comfortable:

That surgical center was really great.  They made sure that she was comfortable at all times and the personnel were really friendly.  It made her short stay there as easy and comfortable as possible.  She was treated just as great after she got out of the operating room.  Our highest praise for the people at Memorial Hermann Surgery Center Red Oak, located just north of 1960 and west of I-45 north of Houston, TX.

Tomorrow, she goes to see the doctor for her post surgical check-up.  She is doing just great, but it will take some time for her to adjust.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Glad to hear she is doing well, tell her we are thinking of her. I know this sounds like a formal response out of a can, but it is true. One's vision affects so much.

  2. Never heard of a suit like that. And I'm glad that you told us about this. Thx. I would've been asking,,,lol.

  3. Did they let her bring the gown home with her? Sounds like it might be a handy thing to have around during the Winter!

    She does look pretty comfortable, that's for sure!

  4. Jimkabob, yes, eye sight is very precious.

    Trouble, it reminded me of the space suits that the astronaughts wore and carried the hose with them.

    HJ, no they didn't. It was attached to the heater/blower unit that was mounted on the wall. They did take great of her.

  5. I always like the warm blankets they put over you, but that suit sounds just great. Wishing Mrs. Diz a speedy recovery.

  6. Glad she's doing well.

    That is a nice tool box that would not be out of place in any garage.

  7. Gypsy, if she could, she would have taken that blanket system home with her. She is doing surprisingly well.

    Sixbears, it sure was nice. I wonder what was in it.

  8. Eye surgery is serious; one's eyesight cannot be taken for granted. My son had LASIK earlier this year so I know the healing time is important. Take good care of her.

  9. Glad things are going well for your wife. My studio...planting flowers are not on the list any time soon. The flower beds around my house were weed beds this summer and we never got our garden in. Only so many hours in a day!

  10. Jill, yes it is. She had o have some muscles cut that where attached to her eye ball. Incisions that took a steady hand fee sure.

    Jill Eudaly, thanks and I prefer wild flowers, they don't require any work on my part, just enjoyment.

  11. I had never heard of surgery in such a comfortable chair and with air blowing around her. She looks pretty comfy.

    Thank you for mentioning where she got her surgery it is not too far from my house. My mother is having a lot of vision problems may have to get the name of her doctor as well.

    I wish her a speedy recovery.

  12. It was on wheels so could be moved around. I pointed it out ...
