Friday, October 19, 2012

Wondering about solving problems and puzzles.

Almost all problems can be solved using similar methods for solving puzzles.  The most important thing is to have all the pieces (puzzle parts or information) needed to complete the puzzle.  There are many different ways of going about solving things.  Some focus on a small part at a time while others try to see the complete picture.  I believe a combination of the two are important.

For example, lets look at a few kinds of fun puzzles, like jigsaw puzzles, cross-word puzzles, and sudoku; the latter being my favorite.  In jigsaw puzzles it is important to have all the pieces, but where do you start.  Most people start with the corners and edges first and then maybe a part of the the picture with unique colors and or shapes.  Cross-words can be worked different ways but I usually skim down the clues from the first and put in the ones I really know then go back and try to match some existing letters to some other clues.  Now sudoku is my favorite.  I carry a book in the Jeep so if I have to wait anywhere (like in doctors' offices) I have something to do that I enjoy.  Sudoku is groupings of nines; nine squares containing nine boxes, and from left to right and from top to bottom there are nine spaces for the numbers 1 through 9.  Sounds simple but sometimes it gets very hard, but I really enjoy working them.  But what I am trying to say is that what ever your puzzle in life is, it is important to have all the pieces, a plan to start and solve the puzzle, and the patients to work it out.  Now you all have a great day with no problems or puzzles that can't be easily worked out, you hear?


  1. We will be having the puzzle of how to get our camper out of our tight spot here at home. Otherwise the vacation doesn't happen. We got it in, we must be able to get it out!

  2. That reminds me, I should pick up a few puzzles next time I'm town. It's a nice way to pass a bad weather day.

  3. Jill, it is always fun taking a new RV out on its virgin camping trip.

  4. Sixbears, not a bad idea. I personally have to have something to keep me occupied at all times.

  5. Too bad that life doesn't have all the answers hidden in the back somewhere!

    You and Mom seem to be fond of the same puzzles!

  6. HJ, your Mom nd I must both like work and play with numbers.

  7. Trouble, there are some "on line" games I like, too. Like "Word Drop".

  8. I do the NY Times crossword puzzle in ink and have always been good at jigsaw puzzles, but Sudoku just doesn't cut it with me.
