Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wondering about my wife's therapeutics.

Tuesday, I took my wife back to see the eye surgeon for her post opp check-up.  He said she is doing great and this coming Friday to cut back by one the number of times she gets her drops, and do that every Friday until they are either all gone or the number of times she gets them each day drops to zero.  That was good news for her, but the ride home was terrible.  There was a double fatality accident and they had the road shut down.  After waiting for an hour or so, I finally decided to turn around and find another way around the jam. So yesterday, to recuperate, my wife wanted to go shoe shopping.  Since she said it would make her feel much better, I agreed to take her.  She decided to go to the outlet mall north of town first:

She looked in this store but didn't find anything that was just right:

Then we went to another strip mall next to I-45 and we went into this store.  They had some nice stuff and everything was half off.  She found a nice pair of boots that she liked and we all went home happy and she did seem a little better after her "therapy".

I am not much of a shoe shopper.  I haven't bought a new pair of shoes or boots for quite a few years.  I prefer to shop for other more practical things, like sporting goods, hunting and fishing stuff, RV stuff, and other really practical and usefull things.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Glad your wife's on the mend. That retail therapy isn't covered by health insurance?

  2. Sixbears, I am sure glad, too. The only insurance we have is Medicare and I am sure they don't cover shoe shopplng therapy. . .

  3. Retail therapy works wonders sometimes. Nowadays I am more in the mood to clean out my house of excess stuff, so I hesitate to buy anything new. We'll see how long that lasts.

  4. Jill, let me know how to get into that mood to clean out the excess stuff.

  5. You are a "good husband" not too many out there willing to tag along on shoe shopping expeditions :)

    BTW did you see any hiking boots on sale?

  6. MsB, thanks, but for years she would not drive because of her eyes, so I am used to driving her where she wants to go.
