Friday, September 21, 2012

Wondering why I can't post with my computer.

I am writing this on my tablet using one finger picking out the letters one at a time.  I don't want to write my blog with one finger, so will wait until tomorrow and maybe I can again use my lap-top.  Today, it gets stuck in a never ending loop.  It doesn't even let me comment on your blogs but I will read them and comment from this tablet.  Until tomorrow, have a great day.


  1. Last night Blogger switched me over to a new format and it really changed things around for me. Maybe this change is part of the reason you are having trouble, ya think?

    Hope you get it all straightened out soon! At least you have a backup!

  2. OK, I turned the lap-top back on and am going to try again. Let us see if this comment will post.

  3. OK, that worked. So maybe the problem went away.

  4. Hope so, not ready for blogger problems.

  5. Blogger have been making a few format changes recently, it sure does throw you for a while and then things get back to normal for a while, until they decide to fix something that isn't broken again.
    But they're on to it really and have made lots of improvements. It's just a matter of getting your head around them...

  6. Trouble and TFT, I just checked and my lap top is still going into a loop with the blogger screen flipping from one view to another. I went to other places on the internet and had no problem and I don't have any problem when on my tablet, so it may be a problem with my lap top. Will have to try the desk top and see if that works.
