Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wondering about nitpicking.

The term "nitpicking" at first meant the act of picking lice eggs off the roots of hair on peoples heads.  It was a slow, tedious job.  Now-a-days the term has been used to describe the act of pointing out and criticizing the smallest trivial errors in details.  My wife is a nitpicker in more ways than one.  Yep, she points out all my minor flaws (you see, I don't have any major ones [grin]).  That makes her a nitpicker in one way.  OK, now that I just got myself in real trouble, let me see if I can dig my way out of this hole. . . . no, I think I just buried myself in the hole I dug.  Ah, but there is another meaning to "nitpicking" and she is also good at that, too.

This second one is the art of using special loom type frames (called Knifty Knitter Looms) to "knit" things like hats or afghan blankets or whatever.  She is always making something with yarn either crocheting or knit-picking or. . .  When not doing that she loves to paint, especially flowers and leaves and of course we both design and make cards to send every day to my aunt who is in a nursing home in Pennsylvania.  My wife is a very talented person and I love here, even though she is a knitpicker and a nitpicker (grin).  Now don't nit-pick my blog today, but do have a wonderful day.  It is absolutely a beautiful day here today and hope it is where you are, too.


  1. some of my friends are doing a project your wife might like to read about, Knit the Bridge
    , They want to knit the bridges together in Pittsburgh...keeps them out of trouble.

  2. When my three long-haired daughters (and one short-haired son) were in elementary school, I feared that one day they'd be sent home and I'd have to do some nit-picking. We got lucky though and escaped all the lice outbreaks that passed through during those years. Thank God.

  3. Jill E, Wow, that is a big project. Maybe after it is finished they can take those knit panels and give them to the homeless to help keep warm this winter. Are they doing more than one bridge?

    Jill, I have never known anyone with lice, but when our kids were in school there was a rumor going around that a lot kids had them. Sure glad the epidemic didn't spread too far.

  4. Crisp and sunny here. Hope not too many nits need picking today.

  5. Sixbears, This morning started out at 55. Really cool for this time of year. Hope a lot warmer now it is now 73 and going up.

  6. I have given up on trying to figure out what the weather is going to do!

    I'm certainly ready for some cooler weather for a change, though.

    I have those looms that you say your wife uses! Lots of fun, but only if the kitten is asleep!

  7. HJ, the poor kitty is missing out on all the fun. BTW, my wife wants to know if you have the purple hat loom. That is the only one my wife doesn't have and is looking for.

  8. You said "I love here" instead of her. Sorry just nit picking. ;)

  9. David, got me, you nit picker!! (Grin)
