Monday, September 24, 2012

Wondering when the AC will get fixed.

A sub-title could be "Wondering why things always break down late on Fridays?"  My AC is is out again.  Noticed that it was running most of Friday afternoon and so I took a look.  It was all froze up.  There was frost on every pipe from the compressor coils to the condenser coils.  So, I figured that since the condenser coils had not been cleaned for quite some time that they could be the problem.  Since it was getting late, I decided to clean them Saturday morning.  It takes around three hours or more because I use a toothbrush and a glass of half water and half Clorox bleach.  Trying to get this old body into that little hole where the air filter goes, and wrapped around ninety degrees to the left was no easy matter.  Getting back out was even tougher.  I thought I was never going to be able to get out by myself without help.  My wife said I had completely disappeared behind the wall through that small opening.  Let me tell you, that was no fun for an old man, but I did get it done even though I got all kinds of bad stuff all over my face and in my eyes.

I was feeling pretty good about my self and "a job well done" until I turned it back on.  Still no cold air.  Yes, I know when an AC unit freezes up it is usually low on Freon.  This unit uses the old stuff which is expensive and hard to get.  I tried to get hold of the AC repair place that sent a man out here the last time I had trouble, but only got an answering machine so left a message.  Of course no one called back.  I will wait until after 08:00 and call again.  Trouble is we have an appointment we have to keep mid day today.

One good thing was that we went out to the RV in late afternoon and I watched three good movies and ate supper out there where it was nice and cool.  It was like a night out, dinner and movies.  The dogs loved it and so did I.  I buy up old VCR and DVD movies at the flea market for a buck or two and have been building a collection of them in the RV for when ever we get to hit the road.  It has been in the low 90's here lately with overnight lows in the 60's, so it has not been as bad as when it went out a few months ago when it was really hot and humid.  Now you all stay cool and have a great day, you hear?

Update, just before I hit the "Publish" button, the phone rang and it was the AC place and they will be out here in about an hour.  Hope it is an easy fix.


  1. It's 36 outside right now. No AC needed. The kitchen woodstove is going and I'm trying to warm the place up.

    Good luck with the AC. Good thing the RV isn't in the shop this time. Makes a world of difference.

  2. What a place! To call back on a Saturday. And,,is it fixed?

  3. Sixbears, You are bringing back memories of the days I heated my place with a wood stove. And yes, it was nice having a retreat to go to.

    Jill, I will try. They fixed it enough to run through tomorrow and then they will bring the new inside and outside units. Dang, staying cool is quite expensive!!

    Trouble, not yet (see above) but it soon will be.
