Sunday, September 23, 2012

Still having problems with Blogger. Now it will only allow me to type in the title area. Will work on the problem.


  1. Hmmmmm, nice title.
    Have you read my comment on Troubles blog?
    On the old post page, I could push tab and the curser would go to the compose section. I have to do it manually on this newer version of blogger.

  2. Just used the 'new' blogger. Hate it. Back to working on getting the personal domain one up and running.

  3. BB, yours is NOT the same as mine,,,see my reply.

  4. I don't like the new one either, but it appears that we are stuck with it!

    Try clicking in the body section after you get the title you want! That's what I had to do!

  5. I found patience and perseverance was the only way to deal with it but I did find ways around it. Can you alter the sequence of how you do things or get into new posts using another way, a back door so to speak?

  6. Thank you all, I thlnk that my computers are acting up, or the operator (grin).

  7. Having problems but not like you and Trouble!

  8. MsB, I am thinking I have a problem with my lap-top. The tablet works fine and now I am on my desk-top and it seems to be working also.
