Monday, September 10, 2012

Wondering about the perfect plumber.

Have you ever stumbled over a great find?  Maybe it was a new taste sensation, or a gadget you wondered how you ever lived without, or a pair of boots that feel oh so good, or something else that made you feel so very lucky?  Well, I stumbled over the perfect plumber.  The pipes in my home had sprung several leaks and the insurance adjuster, who wrote up and processed my claim, when asked by me to suggest someone to do the job said he was not suppose to do that.  I finally got a name of a business that does that kind of work from him.  I called them and set up an appointment to have their people come and give me a quote.  The appointment was for last Wednesday.  They never showed and they never called, so I stopped at a couple of places around here and finally got a name and number of a fellow who worked for one of the places full time during the week but moon-lighted on the weekends doing plumbing jobs.  I called the number and his son answered and said that his dad was out on a job but would have him call when he got back, but it may be late.  That was Saturday and he did call me back that evening.  He inquired just what all was wrong and I listed everything I needed and/or wanted done so that he could pick up some parts.  He said he would have to have the owner of the supply place that he worked for come in Sunday morning so he could get all the parts needed.  He called back later and told me that he could pick up the parts around 09:00 and should be at my place by 10:00.  He pulled in right on time and went right to work.  He did so much more than just fix the emergency stuff.  I was so impressed and pleased with him.  He was not only a great worker but an interesting person.  On top of all the great work he did, he did not charge an exorbitant amount, so I gave him a generous tip.  I have never been more pleased with any worker or business than I was with this guy.  BTW Barney, if you are reading this he also loves salt water fishing.

The bottom line is that I really lucked out, met a great person, and got all my leaking pipes fixed.  Now all I have to do is remodel my office to get it back in good condition.  One of the slow leaks that I discovered was in the wall between one of the bathrooms and my office where the plumbing went up the wall to the tub and shower.  Still have a lot of work to do on it, but then, nothing is ever very simple but I was so very pleased with the plumber that I now have the will to go on and fix things up.

It is unseasonably cool here.  It was 56 this morning and really feels nice since the humidity is lower than normal.  Of course, it will probably get back up in the 90's today, but today's and yesterday's mornings have really been comfortable.  It has been a pleasant break from the heat and humidity.  Now, all of you have a great day now, you hear?


  1. That is great that you found a decent and honest plumber. Sometimes the only way to get things done right, is to do it yourself.

    The cooler weather sure is great and has given me thoughts of going somewhere, but then I realize that I have too much to do right here.
    I don't know how I ever had time to go out to work!
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

  2. I wonder if he is any good at fixing leaks in old farts, you know, the ones that keep making us get up every two or three hours all night long.

  3. Penny, oh take some time for yourself. You give and give; now it is time to treat yourself.

    Bob, funny thing, I asked him that very question. He said he didn't have the right license for that.

  4. You are lucky when you find a good, capable and honest workman.

  5. Got one here like that, too. Before, same thing, no show, no call.

  6. Gypsy, you are right. I feel lucky and blessed. I would definitely use him again and recommend him.

    Trouble, Keep the new guys number and toss the old ones.

  7. Guess What DD, I did plumbing work during my going to college life.

  8. I'm in the middle of an office remodeling. Not for the faint of heart.

  9. Barney, my summer job back then was cooking Col.. Sanders fried chicken.

    Jill, no it isn't. Some things need to be done. Of course nothing is so important it can't be put off for awhile.

  10. I'm glad that you managed to find one of the good guys! It's not often that we find someone like that, and when we do they are usually so swamped, it's crazy!

    Sounds like you got lucky this time, buddy!

  11. HJ, like they say, even a blind pig finds an acorn once in awhile.
