Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wondering about Morning Glories.

Walked up to my gate yesterday and saw some wild morning glories growing on the fence.  Yes, I know that they are considered weeds and can be a real menace when they get a grip on your garden, but I love most everything that is wild, including weeds.


My Ode to the Morning Glory

Good morning glory
Did I wake you up?
I am so sorry.
Nicer than a sup
of good hot coffee.

Yep, I know it is a little corny but what do you expect this early in the morning?  OK, maybe a couple of more pictures will get the bad taste of the poem out of your system:

Don't forget to take time to smell the roses or see the simple beauty all around you.  Today our three dogs go to the groomer for their monthly hair do, so I got to get ready.  You all have a great day, you hear?


  1. You could have told me that you planted them and I would not have known any different. Much better than looking at a plain fence, isn't it?

    1. Sixbears, I like Nature's decorations much more than I do man's. That is why all my paintings are of nature.

  2. I love anything wild too. They're much more nicer because they just sprout anywhere without you needing to plant.
    horse race

  3. Pretty to look at, but I wonder why they always choose to grow in my garden or flower beds?

    It would be nice if they didn't try and take over everything, ya know?

  4. Jean, wild is so much better, even in foods. Remember Euell Gibbons? I read a few of his books way back when.

    HJ, Pretty things in places they aren't wanted are not so pretty for sure. They can become a menace.

  5. Jill, as Hermit said, as long as they are in the right place.

  6. Love morning glories..we can't even buy them Arizona unless we smuggle them in...seems they wreck havoc on the cotton fields..or so they say..

    1. They don't wreck havoc on the cotton fields so much as they do the mechanical cotton PICKERS. They create a huge mess in the pickers and render them useless until clean out which is a real chore.

  7. A weed is a flower that has not been dicovered

  8. Ain't for city gals, I am sure they could do that. They can be a real problem in the wrong places.

    Ted, a weed can be any plant that is growing where you don't want it to grow.
