Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wondering about the new A.C.

Yesterday was the day that the A.C. guys brought my new system and installed it.  They got here about mid morning and got right to work.  The first thing they did was remove both the inside and the outside units.  The outside unit was no problem but the inside unit took a little more work.  There were two guys and most of the time one worked inside and one outside unless one or the other needed some help.  They seemed to know what they were doing, and I sure hope they did (grin).

My wife and the three dogs moved out into the motor-home where it was cool and spent the day.  I stayed in the house and believe me, it was getting pretty warm in there.  I mentioned to the two workers that it seemed a little ironic that they worked in the air conditioning business but had to work in the heat almost all the time.  They laughed but I don't think they thought it was funny.  I do have to say that they did a very good job and did a lot more than just switch out the units but also re-plumbed the drain system with traps and shut-off valves where as the original just had a pipe coming out of the condenser unit with one elbow and then running straight down through the floor with another elbow which let it out in the yard.  It was after mid afternoon when they got finished.  We even got a new updated thermostat unit.  Like the old unit, this new unit also has heating elements so it can also be used to supply heat in cold weather.

I took a couple of pictures while they were working.  This first one is inside the house:

And this one is outside the house.  The old outside unit is off to the right of the picture.

We have a little over 2500 square feet to cool and it takes a healthy sized unit to do the job.  This new unit is slightly smaller in physical size than the old one but seems to put out the same volume of cold air.  Sure hope I don't have to buy another system for a whole lot of years if ever.  Let me tell you, they are not cheap.  Now that I have cooled off, I feel a lot better.  You all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Stay cool. We have 5 window units that work together to cool our whole house - 3 upstairs and 2 downstairs. It's a pain each spring and fall to put them in then take them back out to storage in the garage. But, we live in an 1890's house so the duct work is not there for a whole-house unit.

  2. Yeaaaaaaa,,,,cant do without those! Glad you're cool.

  3. It is like I tell my wife when she asks why I come home so sweaty and dirty,I work ON air conditioning not IN air conditioning. Did you get one of those thermostats you can adjust from anywhere over the Internet?

  4. Jill, when I visit my relatives in Pennsylvania in the summer time, it takes me awhile to get used to the heat. A lot of them do not have AC in their homes. Of course some do have it. As long as the humidity is low, I can stand it a little warm.

    Trouble, not only cool but I don't have to strain my self when I get up because my wallet is a lot lighter (grin).

  5. That TX heat can fry ya. Gotta do what you have to do to survive.

  6. Dizzy... Dick... This has nothing to do with your post, rather a mutual blog friend Richard... Old Fool... I'm really worried about him after his last post... I've e-mailed him and called a phone number he gave me a while back, but I'm getting no replies... so, I have begun to search for information on his health elsewhere. If you have any news, I'd be grateful if you'd e-mail me at


    Steven Cain

  7. Jimkabob, I don't know much about the thermostat, I haven't read the book yet. Will let you know if it does.

    Sixbears, That is for sure.

    Steven Cain, my wife and I have been worried also. Her dad had minnie strokes and afterward went down hill real fast. I know nothing new other than his last blog. If you do find out anything, please let me know. My email address is - we all hope he is OK. If I hear anything I will let you know also.
