Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wondering about the bright stars.

My oldest pup needed to get up about 04:15 this morning to go out.  So I got up, staggered to the the door, and took her out.  Just barely got my eyes open so they were fully dilated and the stars were just so bright that it almost knocked me off my feet.  Since I never turned a light on it was really dark and to make it even better, Sirus, the brightest star in the sky as we see them from Earth, was directly over head with Orion just a little to the East.  There was no moon and at that time in the morning, no man made light was seen.  As long as I have lived here I have never seen stars that bright before.  The sky must have been so clear it seemed transparent.  I was tempted to get out one of my telescopes but knew it would be getting light real soon so went back to bed and actually slept in this morning.

Because of all the trees and my home, I was only able to see a small portion of the sky from the steps off the porch to the dogs' yard.  Since all I had on was my slippers and my under pants, I didn't go walking around all over the place to get other views of the sky.  The small patch of sky that I could see held most of the brightest stars in the sky and some of the most popular objects, like Orion and Cassiopeia and the top brightest stars.  It was a preview of the winter sky.  The thing that made it so special was the clarity of the sky, and of course my fully dilated eyes.  It was a very pleasant memory to take back to bed with me.  Sometimes when we need an uplift to our spirits, God gives us something pleasant to uplift our spirits.  He sure did that for me last night.  Now, you all have a wonderful day and keep looking upwards, you hear? 


  1. Almost worth getting up early to see it.

  2. I seen a big ol' star one time. Thought I was gonna fall over I were so excited. "Sheesh Billy Bob, that's the moon".

  3. Sixbears, yes it really was. You must have really dark skies, living in the woods and open spaces out over the lake.

    BB, I have seen stars through out my life and sometimes at night, too :-)

  4. BTW, I just read where Ted (who writes the Just A Stick blog) lost his wife. I feel so sorry for him and he sure does have my condolences.

  5. This has not been a good day in the blogging world. Old Fool passed away today.

    1. I'm sure he is working right now to find a better way on how to get those stars to shine brighter. RIP OF.

    2. So sorry to hear about your friend Old Fool passing away. God must have needed him now. Just keep the good memories, and may you have Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

  6. It is awesome to drive into the middle of a big field, turn the motor off, and sit and look at the stars. I can find all sorts of interesting things up there.

  7. Jill, I have several telescopes from small ones up to my big on with a 16 inch diameter mirror. You would be surprised what all you can see.

  8. Sad to hear about Old Fool and the wife of Ted passing!

    Seems like we have lost a lot of our cyber friend this year!

  9. I so look forward to seeing the beautiful bright stars when I get to Terlingua.

    In my astronomy class at Sul Ross State University the only thing that stayed with me was Orion's belt visible at this time of the year.

    Sorry to hear about Old Fool and Ted's wife. May they rest in peace.
