Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wondering about what is happening now.

Did you ever wonder what is happening right now; right at this very instant?  Well I have but I wonder about a lot of things and sometimes I just wander off (grin).  I am going to tell you that you will never no at the time what is going on at that time.  Did that make sense?  Sights and sounds take time to get to you and even your nerves take time to transfer a signal to your brain and in my case, my brain runs a little slower now than it used to.  Maybe I can give a couple of examples.  Let's start with sound.  We all know that sound waves travel a lot slower than light so when we see a flash of lightening we count the seconds between the flash and the sound of the thunder that the flash made.  That tells us approximately how far away the lightening strike was.  Since that information doesn't have to be exact I just count off to myself "one-thousand one, one-thousand two, one-thousand three, one-thousand four, etc, etc.  I divide the number that I get to when I hear the thunder by 5 and that gives me a rough estimate of how far away in miles the lightening strike was and comparing more strikes I can then figure out if the storm is coming closer or going away.

When we look up at the night sky, we see sights that used to be.  Astronomers have seen things that are millions and maybe even a billion light years away.  Talk about ancient history!!  That is the one extreme, the other is the closer stuff.  Since light travels pretty dang fast, the delay in what is happening a few feet from us until we realize what is going on a few feet from us is very short.  Except for some people, they can't seem to see what is going on right before their eyes.  Since it takes time to know what is going on right now, maybe I should hurry up and finish this blog post; I may already be dead. . . .(pause). . .  No, I would have known by now.  You all have a great day even if it is a little behind, you hear?


  1. You enjoy making me work my brain this early, don't ya?

    Seeing the far off stars and such that are already dead has always been fascinating to me. Wow!

    Have a great day!

  2. Did that last night. Storm came thousand one, one thousand two....kablam!!!! Whew, that was a close one! But, it move thru fast, with a nice shower. Lasted about a half hour. Needed the rain.

  3. I guess no one can "be here now." At least I was there then.

  4. Did you meet yourself coming back? Sixbears?,,
    Skipping this one, DD. Can't wrap my brain around it this early.

  5. HJ, I try. It is always nice to have something to think about., Glad I could help (grin).

    Sharon, Yep that's the way I do it. I prefer to get a huge count going, not those real short ones like you had.

    Sixbears, just because we can't really perceive the now, doesn't meat we are not here now, at least I think I am.

    Trouble, That would be a good trick to meet yourself coming back. Of course as slow as I am moving here lately, I would miss myself coming back.

  6. sounds like jet lag, which I get when I go to the store then can't remember why I came to the store.

  7. Jimdabob, dang, you are getting as bad as me. How do you find your way home? Maybe someday you can take a wrong turn and wind up down here. Don't forget to bring your guitar.

  8. I always use the power of reason when I'm trying to work things out in my mind.Now what use does any law-abiding American citizen need with a weapon of masdestruction.All we need is a cell-phone.I have all the important numbers listed in my phone!

  9. Because not everyone is law abiding. What good is a cell phone if someone is attacking your wife or kids? They will be done with their deadly deeds long before official help could arrive.

    1. You got that one right DD. You can usually get a pizza delivered faster than you can get a response to a 911 call.

  10. Dizzy it is 3:19 a.m. you lost me on this one...I would have to think :D

  11. Ed, thanks for the support. All I am going to say is I am going to fight for my right to bear arms. If everyone in that theater in Colorado where that nut job started firing into the crowd; if everyone in the audience had been armed, how many less people do you think would have been shot?

    MsB, sometimes my head spins at all the things I can't comprehend, that is one reason they call me dizzy (grin).

  12. Know what I wonder about, Dizzy? Who was the first to use or invent the bow, as in tying your shoe? How long has that been around? Tying has been a long time, I know, even Biblical times, but how about that bow? Been thinking about this a long time........

  13. Hermits Baby Sis, now you got me wondering, again. I will have to do some research.
