Monday, August 27, 2012

Wondering about cleaning filters.

Filters are important.  They protect things and us, too,  There are all kinds and types of filters that are made for specific applications and for different media.  The hair in our noses is natures way of filtering the air we breathe.  The earth filters the water in my well.  Man has made many filters like air filters, oil filters, water filters, etc.  Nature is good at filtering otherwise our world would be more of a cesspool than it is already.  Filters in air conditioning and heating systems are important so that dust and dirt does not coat the heat transfer coils and lower their efficiency.  On the forced air system in my home, I have added a piece of window screen in front of the filter to catch the big stuff (like dog hair) which allows me to quickly clean it off a few times before the filter itself needs replaced.  This keeps the big stuff off the main filter so the it can do a better job for a longer period of time.

The other day I decided I should clean the intake filters for the air conditioners in the motor home.  There is no easy access to the two air conditioner units mounted on the roof, so it most important to keep clean filters in all the inlet duct vents.  There are eight sets of two (one intake and one outlet) vents but only the intake vents have filters.  They are mounted with four screws which I removed and pulled out the vents.  The filters came out the back, which I first vacuumed and then washed out and replaced.  Now the system should work better like it is supposed to.  I always keep the air conditioning on in the summer time but keep the thermostat set at about 78 degree.  In the winter I switch the roof units over to heat and lower the thermostat to around 60 degree, that way I don't have to use the forced air furnace and burn propane.  Oh, you know what I just remembered?  I forgot to clean the vent in the RV's bathroom.  Guess that will give me something to do (grin), as if I didn't have enough on my "to do" list.  Since my "to do" list is getting way to long, I just have to lay down on the couch, because reading it makes me just so tired. . .  Now you all have a great day and forget about your "to do" list and enjoy yourselves, you hear?


  1. That reminds me, I've got filters of my own to change.

  2. I clean mine on or about the 1st of each month. That way i can remember. lol.

  3. Sixbears, glad I reminded you, it is important to keep them clean.

    Trouble, sounds like a plan to me.

  4. Like I have mentioned before...the more I read the blogs of people that own RV's, the more informed I am becoming and I have just about decided I do not have what it takes dollar wise or knowledge wise to keep up with the upkeep on a motorhome :(

  5. They are something like a boat, which is a hole in the water that you through money in.

  6. first day of school today, freedom for me! will enjoy the day.

  7. Jill, it was the first day her in Texas, also. Now you can work on your art projects, right?
