Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wandering to a doctor's appointment.

It has been a year or two since I have been to the doctor's and so far I have been able to get them to renew my prescription for my blood pressure medications.  The last time they said they wouldn't do it and I told them that I only had one pill left so they did but insisted that they wouldn't again until I see the doctor.  So I got to take the garbage down to the road and then go see the doctor.  Much prefer the garbage.  As soon as it cools down some and I can get out and do a couple of miles of fast walking, I may be able to get off those pills.  Of course at my age, that may be impossible.  Maybe not if I can get back down to 160 pounds (I now weigh 178 pounds).  It seems that my blood pressure is directly proportional to my weight.

When I first let the dogs out, I saw our local rabbit just outside the fence chewing on the grass.  The dogs saw it but just starred a bit and went about their business.  So, since the rabbit was standing up on its rear legs to reach the top tender parts of some grass or weed or something, I went back in and got my camera for a great picture. When I came back out with the camera it was still there, but as soon as put the camera up to take a picture, it hopped off.  Just like me to find a camera shy rabbit.  Dang thing isn't afraid of me or the dogs, just the camera.  It would have been a cute picture.  Now, I got to run.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. I looked out one time, and saw my rooster and a cottontail nose to nose,,checking each other out. The rabbit was sitting up to reach the rooster. Was the cutest thing.

  2. Don't take any crap from the Dr. He works for you. Good luck!

  3. The same thing happens to me with almost all wildlife. As soon as I raise the camera to snap a picture, they bolt!

  4. Trouble, did you get a picture? Would have been neat.

    Sixbears, I don't. My wife and I have him trained. He renewed my prescription and told me to make a log of my blood pressure. I was stuck in the worst traffic jam trying to get in there. I was a little late and my BP was sky high. He said it would probably take all day for it to settle down to normal.

  5. Glad I only have to deal with the VA doctors. They can move a bunch of folks in and out in a short and timely fashion!

    May the rabbit thinks the camera is a gun! Might have been shot at a time or two.

  6. Gypsy, I have missed some really good pictures that way. And, why is it when you don't have a camera with you the really great photo opportunities pop up?

    HJ, I don't like to deal with any body in the medical profession as a patient, only as an acquaintance or friend.

  7. wild life cameras are all rage here. hunters strap them to trees, motion sets them off. come hunting seson the hunter have a good picture of the animals habits. Maybe one of these camera can catch your rabbit. If you go to that much trouble I'd leave props hats, seem to have a talented magical rabbit.

  8. I just went out and told it get out of he fence because the dogs may be coming out. It listened to me and slowly hoped on out of the dogs yard. It seems to know all the places it can easily get through.

  9. I hate to go to the doctor and if it wasn't for getting hooked back up with the VA I'd probably nearly die before going to see one. If I have to go to the hospital they better put me in a straight jacket!

    Yeah I've had several things I wanted to catch with a camera and just as I got it and started to take the picture the opportunity was gone. Sure hate it when that happens!

  10. I have had some great opportunities not just with wildlife but with people and wouldn't you know it...I did not have my camera!

  11. David, we sure agree on the doctor subject.
    As far as taking pictures, wouldn't it be great if we could just down load from our memory what we have seen?

  12. DD, that would be cool, but most people wouldn't want to see what I've seen and in some cases I wouldn't want to to see them either. ;)

  13. MsB, Most of the best opportunities come when we are not prepared. That is the way of life.

    David, I guess we would have to be selective on what we download.
