Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wandered down to town in the RV

This is the month that the inspection sticker runs out on my motor-home and so that gave me an excuse to take it to town.  I just love to drive it.  You can look over cars and pick-ups and look truckers in the eye.  Another thing I love is the "Jake Brake" or engine brake.  It is amazing how well it works especially with a six speed transmission.  When in use, one only has to apply the brakes to come to a complete stop.  They say it makes a lot of noise and I know it does on trucks so it must also on my RV, but I can't hear it.  Since the engine is in the rear, I can't ever hear it either.  I know, next time I take it out, I will open my window (now that it is fixed and working - knock on wood) when I am planning to slow down and stop.

It passed inspection without any problem and back home I came.  That little outing exercised both the main engine and the generator (when it is this hot you want to run all the air conditioners).  I had no problems at all, even got it parked back where it was without any trouble.  Actually, it went easier than ever before.  The more you use something the more tricks you learn to make things work better. That is, if you don't get to the place where you think you know it all.  Now, you all have a great day today.  I hope our fellow blogger "Trouble" is feeling better today.  I always worry about bloggers who usually blog each day and then miss some.  


  1. You sound just about ready for a longer road trip. That is one heck of a nice rig.

  2. Oh, or a trip in it for tomorrow in our area triple digits are predicted, I would just mosey down to the pacific ocean and stay until the heat subsided, take our two remaining cats with litter places and keep the dad blasted thing in airconditioning mode..We get about 29 days a year of blue skies, mostly rain, this year, predicted ice, snow and horrible conditions good only for skiers and lone hikers with heavy backpacks of a tent and warm beds, already brrr......Our county fair's attendance went way down it hit 103 on the second day, who goes to a fair and has that kind of heat and humidity..Love your blog, enjoy your new toy I mean RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow,,what a driver! lol. So glad you're not having to do more repairs after that outing. NOW,,when are we leaving?

    1. LOL are a cruel woman. But I was think'n the exact same thing. Poor ol' Dizzy just need some more on a real trip.

    2. Hey, I said the same thing yesterday. But all went well.

  4. Sixbears, I am always ready for a road trip.

    Annon, We get the heat here but not the snow and cold. Yep, pack up your cats and go to the beach. The Pacific always has COLD water.

    Trouble, sometime within the next year or two I hope (grin). BTW, there is always something you can repair on an RV.

    1. But ,,, But,, i wanna go before i die!

    2. Don't even think about dying. We can talk about later after we both reach 100.

  5. The beauty of being registered in SD is that I never have to take a vehicle in for registration - just renew and pay online.

  6. Gypsy, I enjoyed taking it in. I have a horn select button that chooses either a beep beep sound or the duel air horns. Of course for the fun of it I put the switch on air horns. When he said hit the horn, people jumped. (grin) He never asked to check the other "city" horn. The heck with the city selection, I keep it on the air horns; want to be heard when I hit the horn.

  7. I think that using those air horns would get some attention, for sure!

    Sounds to me like you had a real nice little town run! I think you both needed the road exercise!

  8. HJ, I always try to have fun no matter what I am doing. I especially have fun in the motor-home.

  9. I'm looking forward to reading about your first 'away' trip in the bus...

  10. TFT, the longest I have been away in it has been three days at a time. I am looking forward to writing blogs about an "away" trip.

  11. Hope you get to take your RV on a road trip soon. Heck if that was my rig I would already be making plans to sell my house and buying a plot of land in my favorite desert.

    With a rig like yours, it would be like living in a five star hotel in Terlingua!
