Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wondering about blog comments.

I have been wondering what the general consensus is in the blogging world about comments and replying to comments.  The first question is do you comment on blogs.  I know that some people just read them and do not comment.  Some of these people have never signed up for a Google account and therefore cannot comment, so I know I will not be hearing from any of you, unless you are an anonymous commenter.  Then there are the ones who rarely comment unless the blog they are reading really hits a nerve or a very happy memory or something that triggers their involvement and therefore they reply.  Third are the ones who have joined a blog as a follower, but only comment once in a while or never.  You can follow a blog and never comment, but at least the blog’s author knows you do view the blog once in a while since you took the effort to become a follower.  And then there are the ever faithful, the ones who always read your blog and comment quite often.  I always try to comment everyday on the blogs I read but don’t always have the time and sometimes I don’t have anything worthwhile to say.  Not having anything worthwhile to say doesn’t always stop me from commenting, or for that matter, writing a blog.

OK, now let’s see what you think about replying to comments posted on your blog.  Do you ignore them or do you read them but never reply at all?  There are some who seem to just reply to some specific comments but not to others.  And then there are the ones who try to reply to everyone’s comments.  I have also seen, and do at times myself, comments to replies to comments.  Sometimes it gets to be a conversation in itself, but isn’t that what the blogging world is all about; the interaction, sharing, and trading of ideas and experiences?  I always try to post comments and I reply to comments posted on my blog.  Sometimes when things happen or when traveling I don’t, but I usually do try.  I have gone back to some of my past blogs and have found that I missed a comment or didn’t reply to some, but that is rare and there is no law that says I have to answer all, but I do try.  So tell me what you think about comments and replies and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I remember my FIRST comment, I was so thrilled to think someone was actually reading ME! That feeling has never left, it's like a phone call from an old friend who's just checking in to see how everything is going. I don't comment enuf but am trying to do better.

  2. I do think I need to start replying to the comments to my blog. I can't get to the blog at work anymore and usually read the comments in my email. That isn't a good excuse, I know, as I can reply when I get home. I do very much appreciate your comments when you visit me. I real all comments, a lot of times more than once. It is a connection to the 'outside' world for me.

  3. Hi Dick, Yes I appreciate any comments on my blog.
    I read them all as I have it set up so that they come to me in an email.
    As Sharon says "I am thrilled to think that someone is actually reading ME!"
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX

  4. Hey Dizzy -
    Yes, I read, and am one of those who doesn't comment unless it really strikes a chord. But, I can understand your wanting to know "Is anybody out there?", so I'll try to get around to it more often. Thanks for your w&w......

  5. I comment if I have something to say. If the post is provocative enough I read all the comments. Sometimes the comments are better than the post which of course makes the post better. I read all comments to my post and try to acknowledge them but sometimes there just isn't anything to say.
    The personnel emails I get as a result of a post I value highly. It is like getting a thank you note, in most cases, and reflects a good light on the sender.

  6. The comments make this worthwhile. And,,i LOVE it when someone answers my comments on others. That's why i try to on mine. Sometimes i know i miss going back to read them and i apologize.

  7. Sharon, Yes that first comment is special. For me, it was Hermit Jim who was the first to comment.

    Shadowmoss, I understand. Sometimes, especially when traveling, I don't always have the time to comment, but I always read all of them.

    LC-Penny, yes it is quick way to know that someone is reading it, but more important is that they liked it enough to comment. Of course I suppose they would leave a neggative comment if they really hated it. .

    Baby Sis, I know I have readers who don't comment and a few don't even have Google accounts.

    Oldfool, I sure do understand. Sometimes I just don't have anything to add so just don't comment. I guess I could comment and say "you did a good job, nothing to add".

    Trouble, I know I have missed some, but I really try to reply to all the comments that people have taken of their precious time to write. I do so appreciate any and all comments.

  8. I try to comment -most of the time, on blogs I read. Sometimes there are time pressures or I really don't have much to add to the conversation. Before I got my own blog I used to post under the anonymous option, then sign my name.

    As for my own blog, I read all the comments and try and reply. Once again, time can be a factor.

    I've set blogger to notify me by e-mail when someone trys to comment on my old posts. Sometimes those comments are legit and I post them, but often they are spam attempts by people trying to direct traffic to their sites.

  9. God gifted me with the power of thought but he was lite with me with the power to put those words in problem is I write a word the way it sounds so to keep from showing my ignorance I say very little in print.But I love to listen,well talk also.I like the power of reason,(why,when,how).Those three words have caused me to be consider by many to start an argument.I all way try to think back to when,why,how.An most of the time my thoughts go past to what I consider the source of a subject,be it nature,politics,religion or just trivia .What it is theres so much I do not know,sometimes I just feel plum dumb.Thank GOD for spell check!

    1. lol Ted...i take it you don't text...that's the way you do it. I was doing it when i started my blog, and kept getting all these comments about it,,so,,i spell it out. UH, most of the time...

  10. I'm an ole country boy at heart & never learned to type. It takes me a heck of a lot longer to type than most people. So I respond to blogs sometimes but read them everyday.

  11. I love to get comments on my blog, and try to leave comments on others' at least some of the time. I too get an email every time someone leaves a comment, and I sometimes reply to those comments. However, for some of them when I try to reply it goes to "Do-Not-Reply" and my response would get lost in space. I believe it has something to do with how the person sets up their comments. DD, Yours is one I can't send an email response to. I could go back to reply on my own blog, I guess, but I don't.

  12. In the past I've posted comment's on the fied labs site which I considered creative criticism,an John deleted them so I never comment on his site.I think anyone that buy dandelion seed to plant is beyond my advice.

    1. Haven't you noticed,,all the questions he never answers? Wy do ppl keep commenting there?

  13. I hardly ever see dandelions in most of Texas. Didn't have it when I lived in Justin (north of Foot Worth)and I don't see any down here near Houston. I didn't know that they grow in Texas. They do make great salad greens and so so wine. Had plant of them when I lived in Pennsylvania.

  14. Dizzy, I know that I have been really lazy about commenting here as of late, but maybe I can do better!

    I always read your blog and Ben's first thing. I got caught up in making some money in a couple of programs and that has taken a lot of the time I used to comment. Sorry about that!

    As far as my own blog, I try and answer each comment and say thanks, but after a certain time each day, I seldom answer the comments...even though I should!

    I really enjoy most of my comments, but realize that many don't say anything for a mirade of reasons. I just pretend that I have a really big audience of readers and that seems to work!

    Keep on posting and most of us will keep on reading, buddy!

  15. Dizzy, I read you every day along with several others but I don't comment very often. But I enjoy all comments.

  16. Hermit, the first two blogs I read in the mornings were yours and Ben's. Sure do miss that guy. BTW, I think you do a superb job with your blog and answering comments. You and your blog has been a huge influence on me and mine. you don't need to comment just to comment. Do so only when you have something to correct or add to the subject.

    Papoojack, thanks for letting me know. There is only a very small percent of the people who view my blog comment on it. I can tell by checking that stats.

  17. DD I really have no comment at this time but thankyou for asking...

  18. TFT, and thanks for stopping bye.

  19. Wow, 20 comments about comments! I guess people like to know they're not just talking to a wall, like my wife sometimes says I am, brick wall, that is. Very thick.

  20. I'm out here and following this and several other blogs but seldom comment. Don't know why-I'll try to do better.

  21. Jimkabob, yes, I was surprised, you just never know what subject will spark an interest. Both my wife and i think you should write a blog, you could be good at it.

    John, glad to hear from you. It is hard to come up with a good subject to write about every single day, but it is worth the effort when i hear from readers like you. I know that I have written some boring blogs, so l thank you for staying with me.

  22. John, BTW, where did you catch that nice bass? Since you live in East Texas we may be neighbors.

  23. Actually DD that's a white perch (what non East Texans call a crappie), caught on Lake Murvaul in Panola county a couple of winters ago. Was a nice one but looks bigger because I'm holding it at arms length.

  24. John, there are a lot of white perch in Lake Conroe which is close to where I live.

    1. For some reason your blog site does not offer me a Comment Box. Maybe it is because I rarely comment. HA

      I don't have a Comment Box on my site so get very little feedback on what I have written. That does not bother me and I will probably not change. I do occasionally get an email and I always reply to those.

  25. I feel that if I read a post and if I have some knowledge of the topic in question...then I should leave a comment.

    My problem is that sometimes days will go by until I can go online and catch up with my favorite blogs.

    I do try to answer all comments on my blog even if sometimes I am days late. I appreciate all the comments people take the time to leave me.
