Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Have a great 4th of July.

I really feel bad for my oldest dog.  She had a rough night and so did I.  The dang neighbors were putting of the loudest aerial fireworks that I have ever heard that were not put on by public organizations.  These neighbors must have spent a fortune on them.  What I don’t understand is why they waited until after 22:00 to start putting them off and didn’t stop until around midnight.  I guess it took them that long to get drunk enough to do so.  OK, I shouldn’t say things I can’t prove, but since the dogs and I get up fairly early and that my oldest one is deathly afraid of things that go “bang or boom”, we had a rough night and I got up this morning in a bad mood.  I even thought about firing up the RV and moving it down next to their place about 05:00 this morning and test my duel air horns.  Gee, they may take a lot of testing.  No, wouldn’t do that for two reasons; first, it would disturb the other neighbors and second, it would not be a nice thing to do. OK, I got that out of my system, and now I feel much better, thank you.  Of course, it will probably happen all over again tonight or until their money runs out.

Don’t get me wrong, I love fire-works and I should have got dressed and gone outside and watched the display.  I just get upset when something makes my oldest dog start shaking so bad and that I was powerless to stop it or comfort her.  Back years ago, I had a Boxer that was the same way and during my first year in college I got a phone call that she died during a thunderstorm.  I guess her old heart just couldn’t take it anymore.  That is what really worries me about my Ginger Muffin, especially now that she is getting older.  OK, forgive me for ranting and raving, I guess I really am getting to be a crotchety old man.  You all have great day now and go and enjoy the fire-works tonight, you hear?


  1. Mine got pretty worked up about some loud bangs late last night. My poor daughter who's living with us has to get up a 1:30 am for her baking job. She's not getting that much sleep.

  2. We have two old dogs who get all worked up over anything that goes Boom. We live within earshot of the rodeo grounds, and they start the 4th of July rodeo on the 3rd. Last night was not a good night for the dogs or us. I can relate to your feelings.

  3. With you on that. Have neighbors that like to work on a loud pickup starting about 10 or later. Then race the engine for hours,,unless i call and complain,,lol.

  4. Sixbears, Russ, Trouble, it seems that consideration for your neighbors has disappeared with the older generation. Like a lot of the other values that people used to hold dear.

  5. Those of us in Rvs with the "rubber" roof are pretty skittish about fireworks and campfires causing roof holes. I would be very nervous about another wildfire getting started also.

  6. Barney, anything hot is not good for an RV roof. Or sharp, as I once found out.

  7. You have my sympathies on your rude neighbors. Our last home was surrounded by gigantic oaks, 15 in the backyard alone. We had a neighbor that really enjoyed rap music turned up as loud as his stereo would play it. The problem was the music started around 1am and continued until 4am. Many calls to the police.

    Of course for the 4th he bought virtual cannons and began setting them off for two weeks prior to the big day and two weeks after. You can't make this stuff up.

    Thankfully we sold and moved out of state. We have peace and quiet now. Just the way we like it.

  8. Oh, I forgot we always wondered if this would be the year he set our mini-forest on fire with all his illegal fireworks.

  9. JMD, if it were not for my oldest dog going into uncontrolable shaking, I would not mind it, in fact I like fireworks and they are legal here.

  10. Wow, they weren't were we lived. Because it was a subdivision and the chance of setting roofs or trees on fire was great.

  11. fireworks are not legal in PA but it seemed like everyone had them last night. we watched them near the Butler Fair grounds. People living around the Fair grounds were setting a large amount of fireworks off before and after the big show. We had a large orange full moon with our fireworks then a thunderstorm with lightning. a big night of lights and booms!
