Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wondering about the word “whoops”.

Now I will tell you, whoops is not the word you like to hear, especially if it is uttered by a dentist or a doctor who is working on you or a mechanic working on your car.  I even dislike it when I use it, and I use it a lot.  I say it a lot when I am typing my blog, since spelling is not one of my best subjects.  You see, I am one of those people who believe words should be spelled like they sound.  Whoops, I guess I got off the subject a little bit.  Or how about a pilot announcing over the intercom that “we are flying at 30,000 feet and expect to be landing on time. . . Whoops!!!”  Or it could be the last words uttered by some people, like mountain climbers, parachutists, skyscraper construction workers or window washers, or even worse.  You know, like the bomb squad member who is trying to defuse a bomb.  I would think that the word “whoops” was the last word (or one like it) that was uttered by a lot of now dead people who left this world unexpectedly.  I don’t know about you, but this word must be one of my favorites because I seem to use it a lot.  Of course I am too embarrassed to go too deep into my personal life, but I have used this word (or one like it) in situations that I would rather not be told.  Not that I am accident prone or dumb or uncoordinated or . . . . stupid?  Oh, you know what I mean.  Of course when on the computer I use the word whoops many times and other stronger words, too, if you get my meaning.  There are times I start calling this computer dumb for not cooperating with me and then “whoops”, I discover it is always something I did wrong.  Well, that is a subject for some other time.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. "Whoops" rates right up there with " Hey y'all! Watch this !"

  2. LMAO,,thot the going word was s**t...

  3. I think I've used that word more than just a few times!

    I talk at my computer a lot! What's so strange about that? I figure that as long as it doesn't answer back, I'm good to go!

  4. Ben, your statement rates a little higher. In fact your statement was many "famous last words".

  5. Trouble, that word could always be substituted.

  6. HJ, I sure do also talk to my computers a lot. Some times I don't use very pretty words.

  7. I skip whoops and go for the stronger words when I'm messing with the computer.

  8. Jill, but not when your daughter is in the room, right?
