Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wondering about a strange “movement”.

I have a small area fenced in for the dogs when they want to or need to go out.  A couple of times during the day, I walk through their yard with a little hand shovel and pick up all the little packages that my loving dogs have left for me.  It is usually a simple procedure that does not take too long or too much effort, and it is well worth the time to do it a couple of times a day.  Well, yesterday on one of my dog yard policing expeditions, I stopped at one of those packages.  I leaned ever to scoop it up in my little hand shovel and it moved!  Yes, it seemingly moved all on its own.  I rubbed my eyes and took another look.  It was just lying there, so I bent over again to pick it up and it moved again!!  Now, I know that I was not seeing things, so I watched it for a while and sure enough, it seemed to jump up a little bit every now and then.  I finally, after the uniqueness wore off, went ahead, leaned down, and scooped it up.  There was this little black bug under it.  It couldn’t have been more than a quarter inch wide or long.  It was a strong little bug with a huge appetite.  I sort of felt sorry for stealing its supper.  But not sorry enough that I didn't go back inside and eat my lunch.  Now, you all have a great day and enjoy your lunch, you hear? 


  1. OK Dizzy put down the bottle and back away from the computer.:-)

    My first question about the bug you allegedly saw in your Dog's yard deposit. Are you sure it didn't come from the dog to begin with?

  2. All kinds of interesting bugs in the South. Some kind of dung beetle perhaps? Must have come as a surprise.

  3. Ben, it was too small of a bug to be a dung beetle, so maybe it fell out of my ear. No, it didn't come from the dogs.

    Trouble, I have trouble reading your remarks but I think I know what you are saying. Where do you get all these abreviations?

    Sixbears, you bet there are all kinds of bugs down this way. This one wasn't big enough to be a Dung Beetle. Maybe it was a yougster.

  4. Maybe the poor bug was trying to get out from under! Who knows? You might just have done him a favor!

  5. HJ, sometimes we all get sh** on and it is nice to be able to get out from under it.

  6. I can just picture it, and Ben's comment has me laughing!

  7. Gypay, we are here to entertain you (grin)
