Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wondering about timing.

The timing of events has changed world history many, many times and I am sure it will continue to do so as long as time exists.  The best definition of timing comes from Wikipedia which states: “Timing is the time when something happens or the spacing of events in time”.  For instance, it was bad timing that I decided to put my RV into the shop to have non-emergency problems taken care of.  At the time I thought that it was the perfect timing since the new awning was delivered the day before.  As I look back in time, it was the worst time to put it in the shop.  As I told you earlier, my wife has an injured back and ribs.  It is easier for her to ride in the recliner in the RV than in the Jeep.  We also have three dogs and can’t leave them for long periods of time and they just love to ride in the RV.  Therefore, although we really wanted to go to Ben’s memorial, we didn’t since the motor-home was not available.  Then the AC went out that serves the house during the triple digit days, and no RV sitting in the driveway waiting with cool air-conditioned air.  That is an example of bad timing.  Of course Ole Ben passing on at such a young age was also bad timing, especially after just getting a Casita and having lots of travel plans.  Of course there are also times when I had good timing that saved me bodily harm or extra expense.
Now, the other type of timing is the one I really like.  You know, like the timing of a drag race and the difference in time of the two cars passing the finish line.  Why just the weekend before last, I was watching the top fuel races at Bristol, TN and they hit the finish line close to 330 mph but it looked like they were tied.  With modern electronics, it was determined that the winner got there .0001 seconds before the loser.  No human could have seen that and by all practical purposes, I would have called it a tie.  We use time in many ways, like speeds, schedules, the important one – meal times, and distances like “that star is 250 light years away.  A light year is the distance that light travels in one year, a long way.  You want to know how far that is, look it up, I don’t have the time (grin).  Speaking of astronomical stuff, the timing had to be perfect to create the way this spot we live in is actually here.  At least I think we are actually here, or maybe. . . . OK, a good subject for a future blog.  Now you all have a great time today, you hear?


  1. I'm STILL wondering,,what had to be done to fix the AC? Seems like it wasn't bad.

  2. The repair man said it was a starting capacitor that went bad, it was bulged out some. He replaced it and added two extra ones to help with economy and quick restarts, in case of a quick power outage, you know, the kind that just makes your lights blink.

    1. Thx DD. Not a bad expense,,then. And a quick fix.

  3. Glad you once again sitting in the cool. The thing about bad timing is that it could always be worse.

  4. If you (like me) believe that everything happens for a reason, then there was a reason the events in your situation came together as they did. Maybe you will never know, but it probably didn't all happen just by chance.

  5. Sixbears, you sound just like my Dad, he always said to me when I complained about some thine "Son, nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse". I even wrote a song about it, but have long since lost it.

    Gypsy, I believe that, up to a point. Used to believe that every thing is pre-determined and I guess I still do.

  6. Seems like the timing of things becomes more important to us as we get older! Maybe we just notice it more!

  7. I'm not sure it's pre-determination, just a willingness to "go with the flow", which is always better than cursing your bad luck.

  8. HJ, I think you got a point there. Of course when we were young time went slow, now it speeds by so very fast.

    Gypsy, I always try to see the humor in every thing. In fact the guy at the RV place was apologizing for not being able to let me have my unit back the other day and I told him it was kind of funny and to shoot me if I ever lost my sense of humor.

  9. In the big scheme of things I wonder how you would define time,when you think of infinity.Just a thought

  10. Time is a realitive thing and it depends on how fast you are traveling.

  11. I guess I had good timing today..I happened along a back road not long after a friend collided with another car. no one hurt but she totaled her car. We took eveything out of her car before it was towed and I got her to work..after work I drove her home.

  12. Jill, that was good timing that you came by to help but bad timing for your friend for her vehicle to be in the same place and time as another vehicle (grin).
