Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wondering who would you want to talk to.

Just thinking of all the people (loved ones, relatives, friends, important people, wise people, talented people, rulers, kings, presidents, teachers, preachers, celebrities, Biblical people, etc.) that I would like to sit down and talk to.  Wouldn’t be great to be able to sit down and talk to your great, great, great, great, grandpa or grandma?  I would settle for my grandparents and my parents.  They have all been gone for quite a while.  I am talking about not just those that have passed before us, but of all those who are living today.

I would like to talk to each and every man, women, and child on this planet.  I love to talk to people.  Sitting and sipping a cup of coffee and talking to someone, especially someone I have never talked to before, is my favorite thing to do.  I find all people very interesting and I like to get to know them and for them to get to know me.  That is one of the top reasons I like to travel.  I love to meet new people and of course, old friends and relatives.  I like to walk through state parks and RV parks and stop and talk to the people I meet.  Most seem very open to some sort of small talk.  I enjoy meeting new and interesting people (everyone is interesting in some way) every time we stop somewhere.  Writing and reading blogs, going to the flea market, or traveling across country are all a very good way of meeting people and conversing with them.

Maybe some day I will be able to have a long chat with all of you personally.  I have already had the pleasure of meeting and talking to John Wells, Lake Conroe Penny, Billy Bob, Ben, Sixbears, David, Windy Bob, and of course my cousin Jimkabob.  Now, you all have a great day and someday maybe we can have a chat face to face.


  1. RVers are a wonderful bunch to talk to...friendliest group of people I have ever seen. Maybe it's because we move more often than most folks so we don't waste any time making new friends and following blogs to stay in touch. I love that about full timing, and I used to think it would be a lonely lifestyle--NOT!

  2. I used to really enjoy meeting and talking to new people. But!! After I had my stroke I find I have a problem keeping straight during a conversation, especially someone new. I hate that!! I used to have no problem talking to anyone, strangers, friends , anyone.
    I think that's one , or the main reason, I don't go out more than I do.

  3. I love to hear old timers tell their stories. That was one of the things i liked so much about home health care.
    Maybe if you changed your font to another type, it would space right,,like, from Ariel to another,,i think i remember doing that. And maybe not,,lol.

  4. After I got out of retail and retired, I stayed away from the general public for the most part!

    Guess I should make an effort to get out more, but I'm pretty much locked in here, ya know?

    You're right about folks being pretty interesting in some way, but sometimes I make snap judgements...sometimes good and sometimes not!

  5. Jeannie, they sure are and it is always great hitting the road meeting new RV friends.

    Ben, when I was visiting with you, you could sure hold up your end of the conversation with no trouble. At least I didn’t notice anything.

    Trouble, yes I do too, but the trouble is I am now the old timer.

    HJ, I guess that is why you call yourself “Hermit”. I would still like to chat with you sometime. You communicate very well with people on your blog. I consider you a friend.

  6. I'd really love to be able to talk to my buddy Charlie again. He's been gone for about 8 years now -a good friend and a darn interesting man. He inspired my oldest daugheter to become a science teacher. To this day, when I come across something interesting, I wonder what Charlie would have to say about it.

  7. Sixbears, we must learn to take the time to converse with people because they my not always be available for clearification later on.

  8. It was great talking to you and Ruth, DD.
    We will have to do it again.
    Happy Tails and Trails, LakeConroePenny, TX

  9. Penny, yes we would like to have another chat.
