Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hot yesterday, hotter today.

Let me put it this way, we opened the doors and windows yesterday thinking the breeze would keep the house cool – Wrong!!  Although it was predicted to only get into the upper 70’s, it got up into the low 80’s and with the high humidity it got a little uncomfortable by evening even though the ceiling fans were running.  Well today they are calling for even hotter temperatures and then a cold front will come in tomorrow sometime.  I think we will run the central air conditioning today for sure.
By the way, in case you are wondering, I had no trouble getting that tow cable made up yesterday.  I just used my VOM meter to check what each post on the Jeep end of cable were used for when hooked up to the class-A.  Then I checked the plug on the class-C and noted which pole did what.  That made the job simple without having to do any trial and error.  I don’t mind the trial part so much, but the error part really gets on my nerves.
You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. We are about an hour east of Austin. The forecast today: 89 to 90 degrees! Crazy weather!

  2. Gotta just love the wild and wooly weather here in Texas!

    Never get's boring, that's for sure! Glad the wiring is all done and working! You do good work!

  3. Mizdeb, yep it is crazy weather here in Texas, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It wouldn't be Texas if it didn't have crazy weather.

    Hermit, well it is done, the working part is yet to be determined. I will have to move things around before I can get the Jeep behind it to try it out.

  4. I'm comfortable here in FL, but the lovely wife and I have become acclimated. We'd freeze our backsides off if we went home to NH right now. Holding out until sometime in April.

  5. It don't take long to get real used to a southern winter, the best time to be in the south.
