Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wondering if the buzzards are after me?

The doctor switched blood pressure medicine on me and yesterday I felt really bad. Just thought that it was side affects from the new meds. Woke up this morning still feeling poorly, really poorly. Took my blood pressure and it was sky high, you know, the lower reading being where the higher one should be. I took another pill and will give it one more chance; I will then call the doctor if the readings do not go down. I need to go out and walk a bit.

So, yesterday afternoon, we pulled into the driveway after running some errands and my place was overrun with buzzards. These are not turkey vultures, since they do not have a red head. I wonder if they are migrating north already. There were a lot of them, but some were flying real high and others just skimming the trees and some would sit down for awhile. Here are some pictures I tried to get of them. They really did not cooperate with me, they must be camera shy. I missed some really good shots, one was when 15 or 20 of them took off at one time. If you are not already pointing the camera with your finger on the button, you can’t get that shot. The following were my feeble attempts at trying to capture at least a few of them.

Now isn’t this a graceful looking bird?

Here are six of them in a tree close to the house:

A view showing a couple of trees:

And looking straight up an old tree at one that refused to move:

And some coming and going in a pine tree:

Now, if you don’t hear from me again, you know the buzzards got me.  You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. OK, NOW I'm worried!! You say the new drugs got you feeling bad AND the Buzzards are just sittin out there?
    Good Gawd Man, call that quake doctor and get that drug changed!!!

    You know that Buzzards know when there carrion is. I'm Worried!!!
    Do not go out side till they're gone. They might attack!!!! :-)

    1. I guess to get better pictures, I should just go out there and lie down under one of the trees. Bet I could then get some really close up views.

  2. DD i've never had a new med do that to me. CALL UR DOC!!!

  3. I would be really careful about standing right underneath them. Considering how nasty the stuff they eat is , just imagine how nasty it will be coming out, and they are pretty good shots.

    1. Bob, you made me laugh, thank you. Maybe it is better coming out than when it went in???

  4. Keep moving Dizzy! Don't let them think it's time.

    . . . and yes, call your doctor.

    1. Sixbears, good advice; The keep moving part anyway. I saw one dressed in a cape and carring a sythe.

  5. I agree with everyone who has advised calling the doctor right away. It is dangerous to have blood pressure that high, and you really need medical advice. DD, I'm not fond of doctors or prescription meds, but I would rather not wait until I have to call 911.

    1. There are two reasons why I am not calling right now. One is that I had not been keeping close watch on my BP for quite awhile and don't know what it aciting like. Two, I am now taking my pill in the morning instead of at night like I used to. Too many varialbles, will wait until my body gets used to the new rutine.

  6. Buzzards and Hi BP are a bad combo. Take care of yourself, D.D.

    1. Jimcabob, I have been told that I look like an old buzzard, smell like an old buzzard, and have buzzard breath. So why should I worry about buzzards, they think of me as a long lost cousin.
