Friday, January 13, 2012

Wondering about superstitions.

Why of course I am, it is Friday the thirteenth, isn’t it? Are you superstitious? I say I am not and it doesn’t bother me at all to walk under a ladder, but I think way down underneath somewhere, we are all a little superstitious at times. My mother and her mother had a few. My grandma would have a fit if someone opened an umbrella in the house or if a bird tried to get into a window. She believed that they were an omen or prediction of a death in that house. When we left in the car to go somewhere, my mother would never let us go back in the house if we forgot something. She said that was really bad luck and she would be afraid that we would have an accident on the road if someone where to return to the house to get something.

I have had routines that could possibly be called superstitions, I suppose. Athletes and actors seem to have their little routines they do before performing. I even think that fisherman and hunters have their own little private routines to help increase their chances of success. I was always one of those persons who would do something just because everyone said not to do it because it would bring me bad luck. Of course, just think how great a life I would have had if I had listened to them (grin). Actually, I am pretty satisfied with my life and looking forward to more of the same. Oops, I shouldn’t have said that, it will bring me bad luck. . . !!!

OK, you all be careful out there on this unlucky day, you hear?

By the way, I did answer the last two comments on yesterday's blog.  Sorry I didn't get to it until this morning.


  1. Superstitions......a good conversation piece to start the day. I agree that everbody has some sort of superstition as you do. Somebody tole me to spit on my fish bait. Ok, what fish in his right mind is gonna eat spit on bait? Ladder, black cats and all that stuff don't bother me at all. I ain't superstitious. Wellll, maybe a little bit. Ya see, I got a ring I wear. It's always give me good luck. I'm serious, it always has. I take it off for nothing....never. More details on my blog....

    1. I uppose we all want to do something to affect the future and to make it safe and prosperous for us. If I reached over to scratch my knee and saw a dollar laying on the ground, then I guess scratching my knee is lucky.

  2. I'm not Trixadexaphobic.

    I always say it's bad luck to be superstitious.

    1. Me neither, I would rathere have 13 dollars than twelve (grin). Good luck to you, my friend.

    2. Never really worried about the superstitions. Guess as kids we "played" around with them. But can't recall anything bad happening. Been lucky though it all I guess ( knock wood) :-)

  3. Ben, I guess the thing with me is I worry that if I say everything is doing great then I will run into a brick wall.

  4. I am one of the few who have always considered Friday the 13th to be lucky. I understand there will be several this year, so bring them on. Thirteen is my favorite number.

  5. I do have a few superstitions, but I don't really remember what they are right now!

    You have a great day, my friend!

  6. Don't believe in em either, but like to have fun with em.

  7. Gypsy, you will be lucky this year, April and July both have a friday the 13th.

    Hermit, I think we all have a little buried way down deep somewhere.

    Trouble, yes, they can be fun. It is especially funny when some one is real superstitious when they are around, do everything they are against.

  8. Well there may be something to the ladder one? I moved an 8 foot step ladder one time and forgot to get the hammer off the top step before I did. The hammer nailed me in the top of the head. (Nailed me?) Pun intended.

    Another time I was standing on the top of one inside a return air duct. I was insulating it and had to use spray glue to stick the insulation inside it. I got so high on the glue I stepped off the top of the ladder and swear I floated down to the floor. Got up stumbling around and LMAO.

    I've fallen off of a couple others in my life so maybe they are just bad luck to me?

  9. Do you think that there may just be a small black cloud floating over your head?
