Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wondering about Sci-Fi becoming reality.

I wonder how long it takes science fiction to become a reality. I suppose it depends on how wild or far out the fiction is. The past has proven that science catches up with fiction, but at different paces and degrees. If I had more time this morning, I could write a novel on this subject, because it fascinates me. It is so very wonderful (and some times terrible) that what mankind can dream, mankind can usually accomplish. All it takes is thought and time and, of course, other discoveries and inventions to use as building blocks.

Where should I start; how about communication. Man used to dream about talking to someone far away. He used drums, smoke signals, mirrors, etc. then as more new things were discovered and developed, like the telegraph; it wasn’t long until Mr. Bell came up with the telephone. Then people thought how nice it would be if there were no wires, then you could talk to ships, trains, etc. A lot of people came up with wireless ways of communication but Marconi is considered the father of long range radio communication. Then someone wanted to see along with hearing and the TV was born.

Then there was Jules Verne. He wrote about the most fantastic things, traveling to the moon and the depths of the ocean. At the time, the things that he wrote about were the most fantastic and impossible stuff people ever heard, but most of it has come true. Now, let’s look at the popular TV show, Star Trek. Some of their “advanced” gadgets have come into real existence and some have not. The ones that have not yet happened may still be able to do so. Warp drive, where their ship traveled faster than light and could jump around the universe is theoretically possible. Even though I told you before about neutrinos exceeding the speed of light, a huge star ship would have trouble doing so, but space would not. In fact, the theory is that space in the inflationary period just after the big bang (if you believe in the big bang – a subject for some other time) actually expanded faster than the speed of light. So now a theory has came about that if you warp space around the ship which would expand space behind you and contract space in front of you, would allow the bubble of space around you to travel faster than the speed of light but you and your ship inside the bubble could be standing still, carried along inside the bubble.

OH yes, we can’t forget about the transporter where they beam the crew all over the place. Science has already done this with entangled particles. Deep subject and would take more time than I have this morning to discuss it and to do it with a person (what if a fly got into the machine? And the replicator, yes we now have something similar to that. How about the worm hole? I am afraid that man does not have control of sufficient energies to create a worm hole and probably never will. So far, that is purely fictional . . .

OK, you all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. What ? You don't have your Jetson's air car yet? :-) But you CAN get Dick Tracy's Wrist telephone!! and I bet ya you can get Maxwell Smart's shoe phone :-)

    I sat one day and tried to think up what all amazing things have been invented just in my life time, and you got much more time to deal with than I do. (topic for your next blog? :-) )

  2. A cell phone would double for a communicator. Of course the way I understand it the way the transporter would work is it would only send a clone and then the original has to be destroyed. Not sure I like that idea, but I hate to imagine having more than one of some people running around.

  3. I've come to believe that traveling through a wormhole may be a possibility. I am also very interested in this kind of stuff, but do NOT want to know if other worlds are populated, or how to colonize other planets. What are humans going to do - trash one planet and then move on to another, and another? A recent science show figured out that it would be possible to create an atmosphere like ours on some planetary bodies. It would take 50-100 years, and the first thing would be to create greenhouse gases. I'm not making this up. So we would transport huge machines to this place to spew our greenhouse gases; then we would send algae to grow there, then trees and plants, and move on up the chain little by little until humans could live there. What a crock!

  4. So many new things are being discovered everyday that it's hard to keep up with it!

    Once again, you have given me a lot to think about!

    Have a great day!

  5. I remember when i was in the 4th grade, and heard that in the future, it would be a push button society. I was so amazed, could not imagine such a thing. The things that happen in a lifetime, has been a subject of discussion several times lately, just in my family, especially with my g/dotter.

  6. Some of the things they have come up with,just in the last years are pretty shocking. And we probably don't know the half of it,some of it,to me is scary...and some very useful,I don't know if we really need all this progress or not,but it is what it is... Blessings Jane

  7. I'd love to see the stuff in the "black budget." I'm sure there's some super secret stuff that'd blow us away.

  8. Diz, I have been reading lately that Marconi wasn't the first with that radio thingy...believe it or not it was that kid that went to work for Thomas Edison named Nicolai Tesla! Now that guy was amazing. He was responsible for AC when Edison was for DC and thus they had their falling out.

