Saturday, January 7, 2012

No wondering today, just answers.

We were out and about yesterday, trying to get our prescriptions filled, getting supplies, etc. It was kind of a day off, but didn’t get to do anything that was really fun. Today, I am not going to wonder about anything. I am just going to answer the comments that were left on my yesterday’s blog, since I didn’t get around to doing it yesterday.

jimkabob said...
Yes! There are advantages to getting old, I just can't remember them at the moment. DD, it sounds like you might have to make a break for it. Toss the wife and dogs into that motorhome and put the hammer down! Be careful getting out of the driveway, then hammer down.

Yes, Jimkabob, there are advantages to getting old, but right now work is getting in the way of all of them. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hope to be done within a week. (I think I said that before about a week ago) I sure would like to take your advice and hit the road, but I still have some things I want to get done on the RV. Maybe a short trip and then get the stuff done. The main thing is the window on the driver’s side will not go down. Rain water must have gotten past the rubber seal and shorted out the window motor. I have no idea how to get to it. No way from the outside, and I don’t see any removable panel on the inside. Must be a secret door somewhere.

Ben in Texas said...
Good boy!!! Take a day off and begin to get your new wheeled home set up for a ROAD TRIP!!! :-)
BTW,glad you learned the NO word.. BUT gotta be careful tying it on the wife :-)

Yes Ben, I will try to use that new word a little more, except on the wife (grin). I have been charging the same rate since the end of 2007, maybe it is time to raise my rates. That may help give me more free time.

Gypsy said... I think there is a fine line between too much and too little work for a retired person. When I have a project to do I feel much more alive than when I sit around looking at a computer or TV screen. The type of work you do is also sure to keep your brain cells in top shape. So I would say you are really lucky you can take a job now and then (or refuse it when you need to).

My problem is that when I am working, I am sitting all day and usually all evening in front of a computer. That is not healthy for me. When I am not working, I am out side, or traveling, or repairing things. I am in much better health when I am not “working”.

TROUBLEnTX said...

Hey, i wanna hear about the doc's visit. A-OK?

It being still winter, get all ur ducks in a row, hit the road soon. Spring time coming!

Don’t have all the results back from my blood test yet, but so far he has changed my BP meds. The new ones cost me about $70.00 verses the old ones at $4.00. That was not an expected thing. And yes, I want to hit the road. I still haven’t had time to switch things out of the old motor-home into the new one.

Jane said...
I hope you take more time for your retirement,now while you can enjoy some lazy days. Take to the road,and see some of the world thru your windshield...have fun !!! Blessings Jane

Jane, I have no argument with what you said. It is just easier said than done. Need to take a shake-down cruse soon. Doesn’t need to be far, just some place where I can hook up and spend a night or two.

Sixbears said...
New experiences, especially way outside my comfort zone, give me vivid and crazy dreams. Now if I could only get some more sleep to have them.

Sixbears, maybe that is the way your brain tries to adapt to things and places outside of your comfort zone. I have heard that dreams are the brain’s way of defragging itself and getting all the information in order. If that is the case, I need to sleep and dream a lot more (grin). Hope you have a wonderful time in Florida. Live your dream.

OK, got to get ready to head down to the flea market and then I will get back to work. You all have a great Saturday, you hear?


  1. Of course you know that just like the one kid that every body had in class. who just had to ask a question about the answer.

    I was under the impression that you tired to limit (eliminate) work on the weekends except in cases of emergency/problems. So you bent that rule for today? Go play at the flea market and then work?

    Maybe you and Ruth need to consider getting a booth at that flea market and start culling some of your previous buys by selling them off? Make some extra cash (tax free) for the trips.
    And about your funky window on the Bus, call the manufacture, but they can tell you a way to access that area. May be as simple as a loose wire, or a roller off track?

  2. Obviously as long as you stay around the house, you are not gonna get much done on the RV. So just load it up with all the essentials and throw in all or at least a bunch of your tools and get outa town, just a little piece down the road and do the fixin. Make sure you are close to a parts house and leave the computers at home or at least turn them off for a while. You may actually enjoy the peace and quite and lack of pressure.

  3. On the news this AM, saying NOT good to sit more than 2 hours!!! People doing regular exercise, eating right, the whole thing, ruins it all by sitting too long at a time. Get up once an hour. I've gotta do that too. It's bad for ppl that have to sit, like you, at a computer to work.

  4. Ben, No I didn't have a rule to limit weekend work, most of my work is done over weekends. But do want to limit jobs from now on to fewer and shorter.

    Bob, you may have a good idea there. I am planning to do just that after I get the last of this job done.

    Trouble, I know it isn't good but that is what I do when I have work. All work and no play makes Dizzy a dead guy. . .

  5. I say do what your head and heart can agree on! Of course, the wife has a LOT to say about it, as well!

    Main thing is to enjoy yourself!

  6. HJ, no one can be completely independent, that is for sure and it is always best to look at the joyfull and humorous side of things.
