Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wondering about Lake Conroe and a Penny.

Lake Conroe sure dropped fast after Houston decided it needed more water and started drawing from Lake Conroe by allowing more water to flow down river to Lake Houston.  I took some pictures at a boat ramp and dock on the east side of the lake.  This first one shows a bulkhead in front of some homes.  The normal lake level would be very close to the top of the bulk heads and the “island” you see to the left would have been under water:
I spotted a duck and a heron searching for dinner.  They both must have been camera shy because the duck hid its head and the heron turned its back:
This picture is of the dock and the boat ramp.  Normally you could tie your boat to this dock and just step into the boat from there.
I was going to visit an acquaintance that lives a few blocks from this boat ramp and realized that Conroe Penny of Pennys-Tuppence Blog lived there, too.  I just had to meet here.  I have been reading her blog for some time and besides the updates on her building an RV out of a cargo trailer, she also has some interesting articles on her blog every day.  She also works trying to find homes for homeless animals.  She is just an amazing person and was so glad to get to meet her in person.  My wife and I enjoyed our visit with Penny.  Here is a picture of Penny and me in the “cargo” trailer.  This is to prove that I was really there:
We need to visit with her again. She is so interesting and friendly. Next time I want to meet her pets. To most of us, pets are a huge part of our families. You know how it goes, “love me, love my pets”. They are my children and constant companions.

It was cool again this morning, 41 degrees, but is to warm up real fast and get back up in the 80’s. Winter tried to break through but will be soon defeated, like in a couple of hours from now.

Hey, you all have a great day now, you hear


  1. Hi Dick and Ruth,
    It was so great to finally meet you, after reading each other's blogs for all this time.
    There is always a special relationship between Rvers, and animal lovers, don't you think?
    Thank you for coming to visit me.

    Happy Tails, and Trails, Penny.

  2. The drought certainly has left you with a water shortage. Too dry for my tastes.

    I'll have to check out Penny's blog.

  3. Always nice to meet up with fellow Bloggers! Helps when you can put a face to the writer!

    We forget sometimes that there are real people behind the scene! Glad you had a chance to visit!

    Water sure does look down, doesn't it?

  4. I think everything in TX, water wise, looks like that.
    Thx for all the pics.
    I love to meet fellow bloggers, even tho i'm not an rv'er, and despite not understanding the "talk",,,according to OFM. lolol

  5. Penny, we do seem to have a lot in common. Sure was great getting to meet you in person.

    6bears, the funny thing is that they are having a bass tournament on that lake this weekend. Maybe all the bass our in one deep hole (grin). It is a big lake. Yes, check out her blog.

    HJ, Yes it is nice to put a face with a blogger, I have now met in person six of the ones I follow. Hope to meet you all some day.

    Trouble, that lake sure has more water in it than mine does. OH yeah, that's right, mine has been dry for a long time. I talk my own talk.
