Saturday, October 29, 2011

Brrrrr, Going to be COLD at the Flea Market

This is the coldest morning I have seen in a long, long time. It actually dropped into the 30’s. OK, so it is only 39 but that is in the 30’s, right? It was 39 degrees at 06:00 this morning and it is still 39 degrees now. Gee, it is going to be cold at the Flea Market this morning. I will have to dig out a vest to wear. Dang, maybe we are going to have a cold winter this year.

This cold front has affected most of our country. The north east got snow. My friends in western Pennsylvania emailed me this morning and said that they even got snow. I am sure the Big Bend area went way below freezing this morning and of course the Davis Mountains probably did, also. I know why Ben (An Older Texan Remembers) [ ] way up there near Fort Worth is colder. He says it is 35 degrees. Maybe there is warm air behind this cold front and it will warm up real fast. You know up there in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, there ain’t much between there and the North Pole except a few strands of barbed wire. I used to live north of Fort Worth and found out that the summers were hotter and the winters were colder than it is here in Cut & Shoot. I keep telling my cousin that lives in Ft. Meyers, Florida that I live in paradise but he insists that he does. Even if I don’t live in paradise, I live in Texas and that is the best place in the whole world, right? And I may be in one of the best parts of the state. How about that? I bet I will get some arguments out of people living in other parts of Texas and maybe even in other states. What do you think? Got to stir things up a bit now and then.

Ok, got to get ready to run down to the flea market. I wonder if there will be very many set up outside. We may have to check out the vendors inside. Don’t do that very often. You all have a great day now, you here?


  1. You are perfectly welcome to TX. My in-laws live in East Texas and seem to like it. That area isn't too bad, but West TX is to dry for me.

    Of course, I'm looking at monster snowstorm bearing down on me, so maybe TX will look better after that hits. Then again, storms are kinda fun if you are prepared and don't have to go anywhere.

  2. It really don't make no matter where ya live, it gonna get cold. Maybe some places colder than others, but cold is cold no matter what. Take for instance, in West Virginia, when the thermometer hit '0' degs, it don't feel so cold. But in Texas, if'n it happens to hit '0' degs....ya gonna freeze to death. Has something to do do with what you're used to.

  3. 6bears, it is now 60 degress and the sun is hot. It will warm up some more, but right now it feels sooooo gooood.

    BB, You bet, after the over 100 temps this summer, it sure does feel cool - but nice. You are right, it is what you are used to that affects when you feel cold. Now, my high blood pressure keeps me warm (grin).

  4. One thing about Texas and weather, It's so large you can have a Blue northern in the Panhandle and that same day it be 90 dgs in Brownsville. And you can change climates without having to leave the state. :-)

  5. DD, Gotta tell ya, you are soooo wrong about paradise,,I"M the one that lives in it.

    This cold has felt kinda good, after the summer. Make u feel a little frisky?

  6. DD, you're right about the best state. I never wanted to live anywhere else. However, this place leaves a lot to be desired in the summer and winter. I can think of a lot of places I'd rather be in Texas during those two seasons! It is actually paradise the other two seasons though. Guess we can't have everything.

  7. I certainly like Texas, but can think of places I'd rather be during a Summer like we just had!

    If I lived in the country, had a swimming hole, a fishing hole, and a big garden area...I'd be a happy camper!

    I have to admit, I do heat a lot better than I do cold! Especially at my age!

  8. Dry weather is my favorite, Colorado was great blue skies all year long, even when it snowed..could walk, hike and get out no matter what, the snow melted in a new york minute most people accomadating since they were not native born..Found the native born so nice, helpful especially in the high country near the mountains, one had to be very fit and accomadating when it snows up in the high country unless you know what to do you are thoruoughly up the creek, but people who choose the high country out of Denver are the native hardy bunch of people who dug our car out of snow bank when I was pregnant with our only child and made sure we could get to the hospital for her delivery, it was 90 after I delivered her and hottest november in 1977 ever recorded, did not bother me at all, happy happy baby and she adores the heat and all of colorgul Colorado..Texas she had a former sweetheart her kin still pray for her and their son to get together as husband and wife, adored her then, adore her now, they were so wonderful to us when we went down and met them, near San Antonio, native Texans could trace their people for many many years, lovely people, never have met any people like that in the pacific northwest where I was raised except my grandma and granpa who lived nearly to 100 and had a big dairy farm, grandpa came from sweden, grandma from norway, bethroded to my granpa and met her at the dock in Seattle many many years ago, married forever and settle into a valley that was pristine got the land, dairy cows, had a huge garden my mom passed from this earth and I went to live with them, it was like a little pristine swedish village, all scandanavian people, aunts and uncles married just like granparents, never a divorce, never a scandal, everyone helped others, they lived a long time and passed near 100 hardy living, they built their own homes and worked the land, dairy, etc..but I live in a big city compared to that and hate the constant rain, icy, snow over 300 days of that and it makes people downright mean and no civility at all..Be grateful for your neck of Texas from my short time spent in the Lone Star state because it is sunny, mostly dry save Houston, San Antonio it makes people I think only my opinion nicer and kinder and they surely adore their kin, not like up here at all...Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. It just seems like yesterday that the heat and the drought were getting at you DD... I'm sitting at one of my favourite places soaking up the sun, there's fresh flounder for lunch and all's well with the world. Mine at least...

  10. was so homesick this morning that I went to a web site to check the temperatures around Texas. Guess what, your area has a 75 degree average year round temperature!!! Wow, I wonder where all the triple digit temps were when they made that study. I know better than that, 75, my flat feet. I remember running a/c on Christmas day. If I could find a cool summer place in Texas, I'd be back home in a heart beat, even if I had to walk home.
    Annie Mouse

  11. Ben, you are right, if you have wheels you can find a climate you like most anytime form cold and snow to sun and sand.

    Trouble, you may be right. I think the hill country is really nice, but there are a lot of places in Texas that could be called paradise, depending on your taste in climate.

    David, every state has its good and bad points, but I think Texas has way more good points than bad ones. I like it here.

    Hermit, well this summer it was hard to find a fishing hole anywhere, and all the gardens dried up.

    Anon, I like Colorado but haven’t been back there since 1959. I am sure a lot has changed. I sure enjoyed my short stay.

    TFT, the heat went away for a couple of days but the drought is sticking around. They are predicting it could stay for quite a long time.

    Annie, it does get cold once in awhile. I have pictures of Christmas day at Galveston Island State Park with about 5 inches of snow. What a shock when we woke that Christmas morning.

  12. We had snow Sat. in PA, then melted an hour later. THANK GOD!

  13. Jill, it is way too early for snow in your area. I have seen it before, but only a couple of times back in the "good old days".
