Monday, September 26, 2011

Wondering if we should take a road trip.

I am getting that “hit the road” feeling again, but where should we go? There are so many places I would like to see that I have never seen and I am sure more than a few that I don’t know about yet. We were planning on maybe going to the state parks here in Texas, but this drought and fear of fire has kept us at home. The wild fires have damaged a lot of the parks. Also, if we were to go away, we would have to take all the important stuff with us in case a wild fire springs up near our home. Since we are nestled in the woods with trees right up next to the house, a wild fire here would surely take our home.

Of course when we do travel, we take all the most important things and papers with us anyway. Of course, I should not be even thinking of going anywhere when I have so much to do here. I have a lot of maintenance jobs that need done around here. Some I have forgotten about and others I have just put off. Dang, looks like I talked myself out of a road trip. That’s OK, would prefer to wait until it cools off some. You know it got to around 100 here yesterday and they are predicting the high 90’s for the rest of the week. Yeah, this isn’t a good time to take a trip, think I will just wait awhile.

Should I start on all the projects that need doing around here? Nah, maybe I should think about that for awhile. Don’t you think so? You all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. Well, DD!! How could u not go North??? lololol,,Find that cooler weather, somewhere.

  2. It's too hot to work on projects. Start sitting quietly with your beverage of choice, and plan for the future road trip!

  3. Dizzy!! You're over thinking it again!! Just pack up a bit here and a bit there for a couple days, then head out!! Course you know as soon as you check your mail on the road, you'll have a job ofter waiting for you. Happens every time don't it? :-)

  4. Trouble, Yep, either go north or go up. Going up would probably be closesr, line Colorado or N.M.

    Gypsy, I like that idea, coffee and plannning, or coffee and dreaming, or just coffee.

    Ben, Dang if you are not right about that job thing. The last two times I was in Pennsylvania, I got jobs that needed done before I could get home. Next trip I just will not tell anyone that I am going so then they will not send work. (grin)

  5. DD, why don't you put it off or go north? ;) We're still doing ok here as far as no fires goes. Sure hope that holds up! It was feeling like fall here last week, but now seems like mid summer again.

  6. David, some placed don't have anything left to burn. Yep, old summer doesn't want to let go of us.

  7. Whatever you do make sure it's as enjoyable as possible. It is definitely too hot to do much here. This weekend though looks to cool off alittle. DD I hope you don't mind, but the story about the lady who did so much in Magnolia to help her community touched me so much that I wanted to share it. It's a wonderful tale. I've made sure that they have to come to your blog to get the story.

  8. I think everyone should hear about the good deeds that kind people do instead of all the bad. Spread the good news.

  9. Know what ya mean about that hit the road feeling Dizzy. Not to mention the "project" one. Well, it's always good to take your time and think on things first, especially on projects you don't feel like doing at the moment.

  10. Hobo, it is much easier to think on something than to do it, right?
