Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wondering about water.

We all know what water is, right? It is made up of two atoms of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen (H2O). This all sounds simple enough; water is made up of two of the most common gasses. And yes, water can be found almost everywhere in the universe. For a couple of examples, in its solid state (ice) it makes up the rings of Saturn, the bodies of comets, and moons. As a gas, steam which is invisible, it hovers like a cloak around every non-blue star. I believe it is the most common compound in the universe. Why shouldn’t it be, it is made up out of the most abundant element in the universe (hydrogen) and the third most abundant element (oxygen).

If you really think about water, it becomes a really strange compound. It doesn’t act like other compounds, especially when it comes to how and when it changes state. No, I don’t mean it moved from New Mexico to the “Show Me State” of Missouri, I mean its physical states of solid, liquid, and gas. Let me try to explain.

Water at room temperature is liquid whereas heavier gasses like carbon dioxide are gases. This should not be, but it is. Why? According to Bob Berman; “Water molecules form at an odd angle, giving each atom a slight electrical polarity that attracts it to its neighbors. This makes it act as if it were a much heavier molecule”. OK, but it is still very rare in its liquid state, because not only does it need to be in a very narrow temperature range but it has to also be under a certain amount of pressure, which our atmosphere provides.

Another strange thing is that water is densest near forty degrees Fahrenheit which means when the temperature drops to 32 degrees and it turns to ice, that ice is less dense than 40 degree water. How could that be, its solid state lighter than its liquid state? I am sure that there is some logical explanation but I am going to give God the credit for this. Without water doing all these strange things that seem to go against the wisdom of science, there would be no life as we know it on Earth. If ice were heavier than liquid water, it would sink or form at the bottom and that would kill the aquatic life instead of protecting it with shield of ice in cold weather. Have any of you got a better explanation?

You all have a good day now and have some ice cubes in a cool drink and watch them float, you hear?


  1. I'm think'n ya need to do less wonder'n and do more wander'n. Although, I learn a lot through your wonderings what I been wonder'n bout for years.

  2. Got my solid state water floating in my liquid state water right this minute as a matter of fact..
    BTW, did you forget about Heavy Water ?

  3. BB, yes I do need to do more wandering, but think I will wait for a change in the weather. Glad you can learn something from my blogs, I am not a good teacher especially to one like you who is so informed.

    Ben, no I didn’t forget about heavy water but my blog was getting long enough without trying to explain what deuterium is.

  4. Loved Ben's comment. Here's to hoping some of that gaseous state h2o floating in the sky, turns into the liquid state, and falls on all my Texas friends real soon.

  5. Taxed my brain too much today, DD. I'm satisfied just to know what water and ice are.
    Wonder why we're not getting rain,,,,OOOO YEAH!!! Had 10 drops on my windshield yesterday.

  6. I'm amazed at your memory. Thought Texans had forgotten what water was all about.

  7. Hobo, yeah I hope some falls on us, too.

    Trouble, that is 10 drops more than I got.

    6bears, we old folks remember things way back better than what just happened lately (grin)
