Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wandering through Kentucky, Tennessee, & Alabama.

We left Horse Cave, Kentucky yesterday morning and my wife snapped this picture of an old barn, typical of the barns we were seeing:

I am just going to skip a lot for now and, by golly, we are already in Nashville, Tennessee:

And of course we had to take a picture of the local wildlife:

Well, it seems we went into warp drive or something; maybe even through a worm hole and got pushed from the age of dinosaurs to the age of rockets:

That rocket was at the border of Alabama on I-65.  We are now on I-20 at a camp ground and will be heading for Vicksburg, I think.  Never sure where we will end up until we get started.

Thank you for riding through three states with us today.  You all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. That rocket is, I believe, SA-211. It's a Satern 1B rocket from the Apollo space era, and one of two rockets in the Alabama Welcome Center. It's sisters were used for the orbital tests of the Apollo space program that would eventually put a man on the moon, and later were used to supply Skylab, the American's first semi-permanent space station. It's close cousins were the second stage to the moon.

    The reason it's there is because of the Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. Here, IBM created the electronics package which controlled these beasts, and today is the home of an amazing museum and the facilities of Space Camp.

  2. Hey,if you get to take the long tour of Vicksburg battle ground you will come across a place where my fathers family ( Yankee's) were on one side of the line,shooting at my Mother's family on the other!! :-)

  3. Grant, it looked like an Apollo vintage with the capsule on top. I worked for awhilie wiht a guy who had worked at Huntsville on the design of the fuel tank for the shuttle.

    Ben, we don't have time to sight-see. The dogs, eating, and sleeping take up most of our none travel time. And of course planning for the next days adventure.


  5. Frann, I just got home yesterday and there has been no rain at my place. Looks really bad around here.
