Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wandering back home, at last.

Just a quick post to let you know that we are doing fine and are on our way back home.  We are now in Horse Cave, Kentucky.  I am trying to wander home a different route and trying to see new things.  We have taken lots of pictures, and will do future blogs on the trip, so you will not miss anything.

Got to run, get this buggy ready to roll.
You all have a good day now, you hear?


  1. Glad you checked in. Was gittin concerned bout you. Safe travels.

  2. Good to see ya head'n back to "da house". Never had a doubt enter my mind. Can't wait to see see all the pics ya took.

  3. Sixbears, yep, they have been happy trails, mostly.

    Ben, Just have'n too much fun to get the old computer out and hooked up. Also, it takes lots of time to walk 3 dogs a bunch of times.

    BB, Still wandering around places I have never been or it has been a long time ago. My wife snaps pictures along the way while I am driving. Way too many to show all of them. Some editing is in store.
