Friday, July 15, 2011

Wandering around in the trees.

I have taken lots of pictures and will put them on later when I get in a location where I have better reception.  In the mean time I am going to take you with us for a short walk in the trees.  This forest is rich in a large variety of trees from hard woods to pine.  I even showed my wife some iron wood.  It is the hardest wood that I know of.  We used it as railings around our camp up here (many years ago) and had to drill holes in it in order to nail it to the vertical posts.

There is not a lot of pine here, but some spruce.  Now hemlock is another story, there is lots of it and some are quite old.  Here is a big one:
And Ruth and Chang Le standing at the base of a couple of big ones.  Sorry about the blurred picture but the dogs jerked their leashes just as I snapped it.
This picture is of the roots of a beach nut tree:

This picture is looking up a bigger beach tree.  Notice the smooth bark?

I am standing next to the beach tree with the two fuzzy girls to give you an idea of its size.

We got to visit with my Aunt three days in a row and she seems to be doing quite well.  With the broken hip she can not walk on her own, but she is high spirits and wants to attend the reunion picnic a week from this Saturday.  She is also looking forward to her 93’d birthday in a couple of weeks.
One of her sons (my cousin) came over to the RV park this morning and we had a great visit.  He is a lot younger than I am, he is only 64.
Yesterday evening we got to visit with the great lady that we met at the flea market back home and got to meet some of her family.  I will write more about them later, also.  They have a really neat place.
So far, we have had a great trip, except for the first night when it was unbearably hot.  This beautiful mild weather and cool breezes are going to spoil me and I may not want to return home (grin).
We are pulling out of here tomorrow and heading for an RV  park close to my home town.  You all have a nice day and a great upcoming weekend, you hear?


  1. I've gotten really spoiled with the beautiful weather here in NY as well as in Asheville. Glad to hear you're doing ok in PA.

  2. Yep Gypsy, I am already spoiled. I see you are back in New York. Enjoy while you can.

  3. Now that you have rubbed it in about the nice weather, I have to tell you that it's raining here...nice and slow!

    Maybe you should take a road trip more often!

    Really some nice trees around there!
