Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wandering around in Pennsylvania.

We had a very nice visit with my Aunt and even took one of the dogs, Muffy, in to see her.  My Aunt told the gal that was helping her that these were the people from Texas that send all the home made cards and poems.  The gal asked who did what and was the card made for the poem or the poem made for the card.  We answered all questions to her satisfaction and she said everyone enjoys the cards.  Made us feel good, because it does take a lot of effort and time.
I figured out why it took so long to do yesterday’s post.  It wasn’t the internet connection speed, it was me.  I am not used to this laptop and had a hard time getting it to do what I wanted and then trying to find where everything was located on it.  I sure do prefer my big old desk-top.
Took a walk yesterday morning down a road and trail next to where we are parked.  I really enjoy getting into the woods, especially when the air temperature is on the cool side.  Here is a pic of my wife and Chang Lee:

And here is one that my wife took of me and Muffy and Gizzy:

This picture does not do the area justice.  It is a steep gorge carved out years ago by a small stream.  There are a couple of water falls that I will try to get a picture of this morning.  But this will have to do for now:

Snapped this picture of Ruth checking out an old camp site someone had used in the past:

We had a cold night.  Don’t know how low the temperature got, but at least in the low 50’s.  Sure felt good, what a difference from Texas.
You all have a good day and we are planning on a good one, too


  1. Looks like a great place to camp for a while!

    I sure can sleep well when I can hear water around a waterfall!

  2. PA has some nice country. Parts of it remind me of home in NH. 50s a nice is pleasant and warm. :)

  3. That weather sound wonderful and the scenery is beautiful...I have never made it to that part of the country...hope to one day.

  4. HJ, I did try to get into a position to take a picture of the high water fall, but failed today. Will try again tomorrow.

    Sixbears, Every state has someting to offer, but some have more and some have less.

    Ain't for, Yes it is a lot nicer than the over 100 temps I left at home in Texas. And everything is green.

  5. When you go on the road for that just home feeling bring your key board and mouse from your desktop and plug them into the usb ports on the lap more looking for the keys and playing with the little roller thingy..

  6. Ricky, its not that, it is the operating system that gets me.
