Sunday, January 30, 2011

Old Buick

My wife and I like to wander through the big local flea market. Here is a link to one of my old blogs that showed one of our walks through it: LINK

We go and walk through it usually every weekend. Gives us some exercise and we get to see some unique things. Sometimes we go both Saturday and Sunday and sometimes we stop at some other smaller ones, too. Funny, we don’t seem to bring much home with us. Guess we just like to see all the unique things. You know, at my age, it is time to get rid of lot of my junk instead of adding to it.

Anyway, as we were walking back some outside isles, I spotted an old 1961 two door hard-top Buick parked off to the side. I haven’t seen one of those in years. My then to be father-in-law, bought a brand new 1961 Buick 4-door sedan and one of his pilot friends that lived close by, bought a 1961 Buick convertible. I was really impressed with those cars.

Here is a picture of the one I saw yesterday:

This reminded me of an ironic happening involving the fellow who had the ’61 Buick convertible. He and some of his buddies used to put the top down and take that car and drive the back country roads looking for feral cats to shoot at. This fellow was killed when he crashed his plane. The ironic part was the picture of the plane crash on the front page of the paper. A cat was proudly walking by in the foreground of the picture in front of the crash. I have never witnessed any better irony. The really sad part was that his wife was almost full term with their first child.


  1. Didn't they make a Skylark that looked like that only smaller? I was in one when I was broadsided back in 67 that broke 4 ribs and punctured my lung. To this day I have to tell the Xray techs that the dark mass on my lower left lung is scar tissue.

  2. Sure is a nice looking restore job on that car! I forgot just how streamed the cars of that time were!

    Of course, that's when cars each had their own character! Now they all look pretty much the same to me!

  3. Ben, They sure did make a small one and my brother-in-law had one about the same time as my father-in-law had the Electra.

    Hermit, Not sure if was restored or just kept nice. Yep, those cars from the mid 50's through the 70's were unique.

  4. The part of your post about the cat walking by,had shades of Steven King! And it's true most cars today look almost just alike Blessings jane

  5. Jane, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

  6. Wow, that's a pretty ironic story. Anyway, that Buick is looking fine. Perhaps it looks different up close. But judging by the picture, that car seems to have aged well. One can't tell though, not until they take that ride out for a spin.

    -Tari Ledsome
