Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wondering if that was really a complement.

Do you remember my blog back when I told about a women in Wal-Mart looking my way and yelling that there is Wild Bill Hickok? Here is a link to it Clicky Here.

After I figured out she was looking at me, I took it as a compliment. After looking back on it, I am not sure it was, but I am still going to take it as a compliment.

That day I was dressed in Western attire, cowboy hat and boots, western shirt, vest, and blue jeans. Now yesterday, I was back in Wal-Mart. This time I just had on a pair of old jeans (you know, the kind with holes starting to form in them) and an old very relaxed flannel shirt. Of course I did have my boots and hat on, but I still looked a little rag tagged.

My wife and I were checking out when another employee was setting up at the isle next to us, getting ready to open that register. She looked over at me and said “you look distinguished”. I tipped my hat, bowed to her, and said “thank you mam”. I thought that it was a real compliment. After reflecting on the word distinguished, I am not so sure. Aren’t most “distinguished” men either real old or dead? Guess I better pinch myself or look into a mirror.

There are all kinds of definitions of that word, but the one that stands out is being different. That I am, for sure. They say some people march to a different drummer, heck, I don’t even hear the drummer. . . and the older I get, the more I do things my way. Like, when I turned 65 years old, I decided to quit cutting both my hair and my beard. Maybe that is why I look like Wild Bill or distinguished? What do you think?


  1. Hey!!! I figered out, like you did, at our age it don't matter what you look like. Hell, we've been there, done that, even wrote the book about it.
    Like you, I started letting my hair grow, but unlike you, my hair is soo fine it has no body, so just blows around. Maybe I need to learn how to tie a bandanna like Willy Nelson ( I've got one of his from a concert, wear it? )

  2. I just wear what I want and look like I want...and the Devil take the hindmost!

    I figure at our age, we've earned the right to do it "our way", just like Frank Sanatra said!

    Good post, buddy!

  3. If I am still upright enough and breathing enough to get any comment, I feel I am successful.

  4. Hey Ben, Mine is fine, also, that is why I usually keep it in a poney tail. That keeps it out of my mouth and eyes. Hey, wear the bandana, would look good on you.

    Hey HJ, Yep, I agree. We did it their way for way too long a time. Even back 40 years ago, when my kids were small I wore cowboy boots and hat and that was in Pennsylvania. Of course it was WESTERN Pennsylvania :-)

    Barney, I know what you mean. We will take all the compiments we can get, right?

  5. Willie Nelson has been my secret love for years, so if you look anything like him you are one fine fella! But did you see what he's done to his beard and hair now? Still love him though.

    Speaking as a woman, if I got the nerve up to tell a man he looked distinguished he could definitely take it as a compliment.

  6. Could be worse. As soon as someone said it was about time to take out the red suit, I trimmed my beard a bit. Apparently, I look a bit like Santa.

  7. Gypsy,sorry to say, I don't look like Willie and don't play the guitar quite as good, either.

    SixBears, you must have a fuller beard than I do. Mine is long and comes to a point down on my belly. Go ahead and play Santa, would be fun.

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