Thursday, January 9, 2020

To Make Matters Worse

My old mother always said that nothing is so bad that it can't get worse.  You know, she was right.  Our oldest dog, who was my wife's dog, is not doing too well.  My wife picked him out of a litter and he sat beside her in her chair until my wife passed away.  He sure does miss her.  When I come in the house, he goes to the door waiting for her.

Last night, he had a lot of trouble.  First, his breathing was labbored and it sounded like he was snorting.  Then he screamed and had a sisure.  He fell over on his side and shook.  So, the first thing this morning I called the vetinerian's office and they said bring him in for a 10:30 am appointment today.  I thanked them for getting me in right away.  Of course, he was his old self at the vet's.  So, they had to take my word for what happened.  Said they could do lots of expensive tests, but if I agreed, they would just put him on Prednisilone.  I am to start out with one tabblet daily for seven days, then one half tablet a day for seven days, then a half of a tablet every other day for two weeks, then a half tablet every three days for long term maintenance.

I sure do hope it works.  I only have thirty pill, so will have to get it refilled, although it says no refills.  We will cross that bridge when we get to it.  Now you all pet your pets and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. It has been awhile and he seems OK now. That sure did scare me.

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  2. Lots of people just think that pets are dumb animals but they are not. They are very intelligent have feelings and grieve just as humans do.That is exactly what your dog is doing grieving the absence of your wife. Give him a hug and talk gentle to him. You'll be surprised at the difference that will make.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I have been trying to hold him as much as I can, but he will only allow that for short periods of time.

  3. Poor little guy, we all know they feel loss of famil since that is what we are to our pets as they are to us. HOpe the pills help.

  4. You can't catch a break lately. Hope the meds work. Take care of yourself Dizzy.

  5. I am sure he is feeling the loss of your wife. Give him extra special attention and lots of love and petting. Hope the meds work.

    1. Yes, I know for sure that he misses her. So do I and I still cry a lot.

  6. Ahhh poor baby. My little one is also on prednisone. I will tell you that he will need to go outside a LOT and will want lots of water. Sending good thoughts.

    1. They have a place where I put down dog pads and they do use them. Sometimes when I have them out, they come in and use them in here.

  7. Poor baby. I agree with all the above commenters that he is grieving for your wife, as I am sure you are. You can comfort each other.

  8. May the medicine help him and like Gypsy mentioned may you be a comfort to each other. Wishing you both nothing but the best.

    1. He still isn't eating like he used to, but does like a few treats now and then.

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