Friday, September 27, 2019

In Case You Missed Me

It has been a few days since I last posted.  In case you are wondering where I have been, I will explain.  I just had my third heart attack (yes, I had a couple of other ones, the first one I didn't tell anyone, the second one I had in Wal-Mart and made it home and the last one (also in Wal-Mart) I went to the doctor's who sent me to the hospital.)

I am now the owner of three stents in one of the arteries to the heart and have to go back in a couple of weeks so they can do the other one.  They operated on my heart by going up through my groin.  I was awake through the whole procedure and could watch what was going on inside me on the monitor.  Quite an experience.  Now, I hope you all are having a great day.


  1. Well I had planned a smart a answer for the title. Congratulations on getting heart help in time again. You need to get more exercise like painting pictures.

    1. Yes I do. I love to paint and haven't done any for many years.

  2. In case you are feeling unloved, my first thought when I saw the "in case you missed me" was yes I did but I have more bullets.

  3. Sure glad you are taking care of this problem with good Dr.s the second treatment is to stay out of Walmart. Keep getting better Dizzy!

    1. Trouble is, we have to pick up my prescriptions there.

    2. Send your wife or son on your behalf. I think in Houston their pharmacy delivers.

    3. Yes, my wife and my daughter-in-law went and got the meds for me while my son baby sat with me.

  4. Wow! Glad you're still with us. I'll say a couple prayers for you.

  5. Be well.

    . . . and stay the heck out of Wallmarts.

  6. I will try, but I have to pick up my meds there.

  7. Made it thru the third attack! I have to agree with the others, stop going to Walmart... :-)

    1. My wife and daughter-in-law are there now getting my prescriptions.

  8. Glad you told us, my friend. Sorry to hear about the attack, but happy that you got help in time.

    Sending good thoughts your way.

    1. Now I got to go back and get the other artery reamed out.

  9. I had one stent put in about 15 yrs ago, and it was interesting to watch for the first few minutes. How did you manage three? I hope you are soon back to your old self and feeling good.

    1. I didn't manage to do it, my doctor did it and yes, there is now three in my one artery and I have to go back to do the other one.

  10. Well I think you got some good Walmart advice there and having others to pick up your meds you have obviously added many years to your life. Stay healthy my friend.....and stay out of Walmart!!

    1. I should stay out of that store but will probably go there again. Guess I am a glutton for punishment.

  11. I went through the same thing back about 10 years ago.

    Being you’re familiar with panning for gold, where gold particles accumulate at bends in the stream, my ticker had one artery with two 90-degree bends. They cleared the clogs, and installed a stent.

    The procedure itself was practically painless. The real pain came from a big bruiser pushing with his thumb to seal off blood flow from the groin artery entry point for the stent insertion device.

    Actually two big bruisers were standing by. Just in case, I’m sure, if things went south they could quickly yank me into an adjacent room, and cut open my chest in hope of saving my poor life.

    The weirdest part was watching everything via the surgeon’s monitor. It’s like the heart is at the end of a pendulum, swinging back and forth as the lungs inhale and exhale.

    Luckily, the remaining three heart arteries were clear, and thank God I’m still alive, as you may have gathered. Best part; I’m an Air Force vet, so the VA covered everything.

    Hope you have an easy and speedy recovery.

  12. Dizzy, why in the world would you not tell anyone after your first heart attack? Don't you know it is VITAL that you get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible?

    You have a popular blog and sharing your story will hopefully help another reader down the road seek immediate medical attention if the same happens to them.

    Sending positive thoughts your way.

    1. Yes Mam, but I guess that it is just a "man thing".

  13. I had been wondering what was going on with you. Especially when you were "gone" for such a long time. So sorry to hear about the heart attacks but very thankful that you are on the road to recovery. Just take care of yourself. You were missed while you were out of commission. Maybe you should stay away from Walmart.

    1. I will be gone again when I get the other vein rotor rooted.
